Jun 02, 2010 11:51
iPad, oh iPad. Where for art thou, iPad?
I'm getting an iPad via a vendor we use here in my practice. However, the road to iPad nirvana has been rocky. First they were delayed. Then when they did come they were the wrong model. Our rep was going to have them yesterday when he came for a meeting; a meeting I missed due to being at a different clinic. They were delayed again. Now the rep is supposedly bringing them out Friday.
This is one of those things I shouldn't really complain about. It's like: "Woe is me! My diamond shoes hurt my feet!" Still, I am chomping at the bit to get this little device. I want to see how it works and to install various apps on it. I want to swipe my fingers across it to make cool things happen. Ants in the pants, as it were.
In other news, isn't it weird how one little thing like a text message can totally turn an average day into a "YES! Rock on!" kind of an evening? Weird in such a good way. Also, for a while I was getting self-conscious about the little things I like to do for people I like. 'What will they think? Is this weird?' Dumb, I know. So forget that, or as my friend Dave used to say: "Fuck that noise."
Tempus fugit.