Jul 28, 2004 20:51
for some reason, i've been having some really strange dreams lately...last night's, for instance...
at work yesterday morning, this patient was kinda bitchy to me...i go to wipe the table off for her, and she snips at me that "she won't lay on that", and that "she only uses natural cleaning products from Melaleuca (or whatever the fu#$)...lysol wipes irritate her skin, and they have all sorts of harmful things in them like cholorine"...so, i'm like..."uhh...okay"...and go to get a paper towel to wipe the table off with, because she asks "do you have something to wipe that off with?"...argh...some people just don't know how to interact pleasantly...instead, they are demanding and bitchy...i just don't get it...anyhow...my dream last night involved her, in a way...
i find myself sneaking into her house, which turns out to be this huge-ass mansion with elaborate furnishings everywhere (in reality, this woman is average-income with 2 kids who seem to stress her out)...i'm in her house, sneaking around, no one seems to be there...well, as i'm wandering around, moving this and that just so that she might freak out when she comes home b/c things aren't "just so", i hear her come into the house...i frantically get into my car (now, what would my car be doing inside a house? oh yeah, it's a dream after all...) and screech off, busting thru some door that leads to this atrium/multi-tiered swimming pool and fountain room. I miraculously glide over the water and bust out thru the opposing doors, making a clean getaway...snickering to myself b/c i'd taken random pictures around the house, and with questionable objects involved (so that she'd know someone had been in there) with her digital camera...
mwaaah hahaha!
in another part of this dream, in sea-dooing on a lake at high speeds, having a blast...good times...only downside is that in the group of people i'm with, the bizznitch cokehead is there...she was just there, didn't really say or do anything that i remember...kinda symbolic, in that all that comes out of her mouth is crap, and she doesn't seem to matter much to those around her...she can bite me...she will never make anything of herself...i laugh because she's 32 years old taking an into to college algebra class, and probably failing it...no matter how much money she gets from daddy every year, she'll never succeed at what she can't stand about herself the most...the fact that she doesn't have an education...and it's all her fault...i don't care if i sound like a total and complete bitch right now voicing this...it's how i feel...i have a right to speak my mind...i became involved with a cokehead, lying, manipulative loser, and it took the life out of me...all the goals i have for myself were pushed aside...it has taken a while to bounce back from all of that, but i have...and i will keep bettering myself, which is more than i can say for her...
to change the subject completely, AM and I saw Sarah McLachlan this past Friday...of course, she was amazing, and the entire concert was beautiful...the music, lighting, scenery...only thing that sucked for part of it was that there were these 2 annoying as hell chicks in the row behind us and to our right...we thought they were drunk...then we caught a strong whiff of pot and wondered where that came from...later on, heard the sound of breaking glass on the floor...one of them began to get really loud and obnoxious, yelling "I LOVE YOU SARAH" and shit like that, and singing at the top of her lungs, with every other word being "fuck"...great, really great...people around us were very annoyed, because we couldn't hear, and started to say things to them...of course, they were defensive and responded back with "fuck you's", and "we're at a concert, you're supposed to sing", etc...this one chick asked for them to be quiet and the rude chick fired back something along the lines of "shut the f up, and you're fat"...it was unreal! people truly do amaze me...people can be such idiots...anyhow, after calling security over, they were escorted down to the floor (which wasn't that far down, we had pretty good seats)...then 2 coppers showed up and found a broken glass pipe, a wire screen, and a ziploc! BUSTED! What dumbasses would smoke pot in a closed venue? F'in low IQ idiots...after they were escorted away, there was clapping from all of us in the area, and the really obnoxious chick said "that's ok, we're going down closer!"...little did she know that they were busted...
ok, i'm about to go be lazy...