What's wrong with my not liking the prequels so far and having low expectations for the new one? I haven't been impressed by the predecessors so far, so why should I give the third movie some benefit of the doubt just because it's had a bunch of positive reviews (all which, in my opinion, are nothing more than sucking Lucas' dick)? Even the negative reviews so far have said the film was a vast improvement, but are annoyed by the fact everyone else it making the film out to be a masterpiece - I don't know, but I'd trust their word over some guy who's really only saying "OMFG I LOVE STAR WARS LOL!!!!11!!" and nothing else. Well, that and it carried some of the same flaws as the last two. That does effect my expectations and there's nothing wrong with that.
Also, I liked the originals because they were fun and adventurous. They weren't Shakespeare and it certainly isn't the best movie trilogy of all times, but I was able to enjoy them. That's the key word there: enjoy them. I'm not asking for The Godfather and Citizen Kane, I just want a film I can sit down and really enjoy due to some out-dated, but still great-looking dogfights in space, and some greatly choreographed lightsaber duels. The prequels did try doing this again and succeeded in parts, but as a whole, the films were boring and heavy-handed in the worst way possible. Lucas himself seemed to want to have the movies taken seriously by adding in all these themes that go from politics to religion, but it all comes out as unneccessary in the end. Okay, we get some anti-Bush diatribe, whatever, I could care less. If I want to see a movie that parodies politics, I'd pick up Bob Roberts. I want Star Wars to always be a fun movie. Phantom Menace was pointless. Attack of the Clones is probably the first movie where the dialogue caused me physical agony. Will the third one be better? Well, as I'll see it at some point to whoever wants to take me, great. If it does actually turn out to be a better movie than the others, good. If not, I have every right to talk about how much of a piece of shit it was.
Also, I liked the originals because they were fun and adventurous. They weren't Shakespeare and it certainly isn't the best movie trilogy of all times, but I was able to enjoy them. That's the key word there: enjoy them. I'm not asking for The Godfather and Citizen Kane, I just want a film I can sit down and really enjoy due to some out-dated, but still great-looking dogfights in space, and some greatly choreographed lightsaber duels. The prequels did try doing this again and succeeded in parts, but as a whole, the films were boring and heavy-handed in the worst way possible. Lucas himself seemed to want to have the movies taken seriously by adding in all these themes that go from politics to religion, but it all comes out as unneccessary in the end. Okay, we get some anti-Bush diatribe, whatever, I could care less. If I want to see a movie that parodies politics, I'd pick up Bob Roberts. I want Star Wars to always be a fun movie. Phantom Menace was pointless. Attack of the Clones is probably the first movie where the dialogue caused me physical agony. Will the third one be better? Well, as I'll see it at some point to whoever wants to take me, great. If it does actually turn out to be a better movie than the others, good. If not, I have every right to talk about how much of a piece of shit it was.
Talkin' about movies that parody Politics: check out 'Dave' starring Kevin Kline!
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