Well as you all probaly know by now i am mumped! this sucks...no realy it does.
the fact that i may miss Becca's birthday and also Le Tegra is a consept i dont even want to think about.
I think i have a realy odd kind of mumps thogh coz it doesnt realy hurt....more like i feel like theres this huge presure in my head and thats it, sometimes i feel dizzy and like im going to fall over though. this agane sucks. Intestingly as well i snezzed before and nearly passed out (not from pain...i just lituraly nearly passed out) which was weard....tunnle vision is kind of terafiying/cool/weard.
God i hope i get better soon.
Ohh and i think Kev may have the mumps now too....when will it end! ha haa