Ok as promised here are the photos form my camra. So without further delay...
Norwegen Bule Becca :op
This was the table as i found it when i arived...impressive
This looks cute dont you think?
all the ice form 1 pitcher of Sex on the Beach...no particuler reasion behind this photo, except for randomnes :op
Eve and Sam in the Velvit Lounge
Me and Natasha in the Velvit Lounge
Eve caught by suprise, this came out realy well i thaught
Whats going on with Beccas hair?...looks cool though :op
Im'm not too sure but i dont think this photo was interntionaly ment to be like this, more of a case of me just wiping the camra out and taking the picture while Haylz was trying to get hers to work, hence the resion that no one is lookin at the camra looks good though :o)
The famous lighter-holder-shinny-sparkley-type-thingy :op
Ohhh God..could the grin be any cheeseier?...i think not :op
Eve and Haylz, i'd love to know what Haylz is looking at :op
One of two
Two of two...this coame out realy well, it was acutaly one fluid motion, and looked realy cool.
Randomnes agane i'm afrade, although they did look realy cool when they wer lit.
The famous lighter-holder-shinny-sparkley-type-thingy makes a return!
This turned out nicely i think, Sam C looks like she's having fun.
Sam's Shoooooos...errm oviously :op
Erm, Sam's Shooooes.....and MY Shooooos.....why?....who knows?
This went a bit wrong due to my inabilaty to aime the camra properly, but....wahts happining in the background? :op
i have no clue as to what this is all about...funny thouugh :op
Leanns snazy cigaret case, modeled by Natasha, whom doesnt smoke, hmmm....seems about right :o)
I like this photo
My glasses went evrywhere last night, i remember Sam keped asking if a wanted them back and i was like 'naw it's cool i'll probaly lose them agane anyway' then Sam C came up to me and went
Sam: You cant see!!
Me: Yea i know, but it's cool *promptly walks into a squar seat like thing*
Who is this?....why am i in a photo woth her?.....how much of a loonatic must she think i am?...nice tincle thogh :oD
I LOVE this photo <3 <3 <3 it's just fabulus with the rain drops and all :oD
This is a photo of Halz's Natasha's and Sam's taxi...why....agane who knows!
and thats the end of that, god that took a long time to do, Haylz wahts your secrit?...how the hell do you upload so meany photos? :op