Feb 04, 2008 12:34
So this weekend was looking very awesome before it happened. Was gonna possibly go on a mini road trip, possibly hang out with old friends, possibly might do a ton of kick ass cool shit. Thursday i still had some left over B-Day cake in the fridge, ate some of it went out for drinks went home and went to bad. Woke up friday helped Chris move stuff got home felt okay like i needed a nap; so what the hell time to sleep. I wake up 7 hours later with a pain in my head and stomach. It didn't really hurt; it REALLY FUCKING HURT!!!!!
So for a few hours the pain grew and grew till i got up to go to the bathroom for more pain meds, then I felt a drop. Not look ohhh shit I knocked a cup over but like a drop. Like my intestines were lifting a dumbbell and dropped them....on my shitter i.e. my colon. From then till today pretty much I peed out my ass. Just gonna be honest I sat down and peed out my ass. I had food poisoning, and it sucked. Today I feel better not great. My bum is still a little soar.
That cake is gone now. It meet the trash can. I always said Confetti Cake is the best because its a party. However if that is how it likes to party, ill stay home and party alone......fucking cake fucking eggs!