I am still here. things are still good.
I have been biking a lot. I've put over 100 miles on the bike now, all but 20 or so offroad. which I feel pretty good about. my fastest speed offroad is 37 mph, which was really scary, but also so exhilarating that I whooped out a couple seriously loud "YEE-HAWS", something I wouldn't normally do. in the last two weeks I've been up dimple hill a couple times (elevation 1500 ft):
I live down there in the valley floor. dimple hill is a good ride, but I've done it many times now, and I've been down most of the trails 'round there. so I aimed towards mccullough peak (elevation 2200 ft):
this was a good ride. the uphill went on freaking forever. but it's also somewhat of a "forgotten" corner of the forest. my entire three hour ride up there I didn't run into a single person, which was kind of nice. I really had my solitude. but the air up there was really quite nice, and the view was grand:
you can see the two peaks off in the distance. dunno what they are.
the bike:
and the rider:
well anyways it's been a lot of fun. I put new tires on my bike, dual tread Nevegals, 2.1 inch. They make a huge difference. I can go a lot faster and corner so much better. Also put new grips on it. next will probably be a new saddle. someday: new front shock and cranks, but that's gonna be a few years down the line I imagine. I haven't even injured myself too badly so far. got a whopper of a bruise on my posterior (I have never had a bruise this bad), banged my knees up a big, took a killer nut shot, scraped my elbows, but that's it so far. doing well.
so whenever I find myself with free time on a nice day, that's what I'm doing. I've also been climbing with my friend dan. I can do 5.8 with little difficulty, and 5.9s are very hard.
today was my frisbee team's first game. we got killed, but it's all good. I've made new friends already, got a good sweat going on, and I wasn't sitting at home smoking pot and playing call of duty. which is something I've been trying to work on, and actually doing pretty well about it.
well...I don't have a whole lot else to say! I hope that was somewhat interesting. will write again in a week or two. peace and love all!