An Ode to my Cellphone

Mar 03, 2006 09:52

Exciting developments, all. Pants and I have gotten cellphones! I can now keep track of her 24 hours a day... and I intend to. I will be calling every 15 minutes or so just to make sure she hasn't left the house. If she does, I want a detailed accounting of her whereabouts. Not so much.

Anyway, the cellphone has one pretty lame game - Bejewelled, which would be fine, but it's a demo and only lasts for about 3 minutes. We also can download more games, ringtones, etc. It is a digital camera as well, but I don't think I'll be using it while in any changerooms.

The ringtones pre-loaded on the phone are lame techno type music or standard phone types. I right now have it set to vibrate, which feels kinda nice.

I actually can't remember the number for the phone, so I haven't given it out. I also can usually be called at the office or home, so I don't know how many people I'll give the number out to.

I have made calls to Pants already on it. Usually we've been in the same room. I know we're lame.

Okay all. Time to do some work. Let me know how you're doing.
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