
Oct 01, 2006 10:25

Wow. I can't believe it's almost been two months since Cael was born and I haven't posted anything, :}

These first two months have been a rollercoaster of broken sleep every 1 to 4 hours, neverending changing of poopy diapers, and feeling like an on-call milk maid. It's also been the most fulfilling two months of my life. :D I totally understand now the tremendous selfless love that other parents claim they have for their child. It's truly awe-insipiring.

He now holds his head up for several minutes, is sleeping in 4-5 hour stretches at night and staying awake more during the day and most importantly, is cooing and smiling! :D That's what we've been waiting for, the smilies. It's heart-meltingly adorable to see a little gummy smile made just for you, with a few coos of contentment thrown in, aaaah. :D It makes the gassy grumbles and wailing protests more bearable to occasionally get a cooing smilie. :D

Dain is so precious with him. He's gentle and kisses Cael on the forehead, talks about his baby brother and how much he loves him, and brings me things I might need for him. Very very sweet. :) I really couldn't ask for better kids. :D

Here are some pics: http://www.t-mobilepictures.com/seantalia/CaelPics/ps/ALBUM/VIEWWEBSITE?foneblog=1155919361075

Ugh, back to bed for much-needed sleep. :D
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