i got 20's on my ride ; bitches by my side.. imma gangster with back!

Jan 06, 2003 18:10

haha ; sooo funny. i love you Sean<33 incase anyones wondering bout my subject, i made it up..got myself an ill flow, and Sean thinks it's good too so kiss my ass if you dont.. imma gangster with back and imma be a rapper some day, the whitest one! :D

so yesterday wasnt all that great. i woke up around 2:30 and chilled online for a little and Sean was on <3 and we talked for a little bit, and then he had to go to a car show wiff his momma so he left and i decided to take down the christmas decorations. so i did that the whole time he was gone, and by the time he got back and online i was all done..so i called him and we talked.

did everyone have a good time at school today? i know i did! not. fucking A! school sucks a hairy cock. i didnt get any sleep last night, none. NADA. i felt so lonely after i hung up with Sean at around 12:00. so i layed in bed and tried to sleep but i couldnt so i put in the sixth and tried to sleep but i still couldnt. i kept crying and tossing and turning and i just wanted to talk to my baby, i missed him very much ;[ i remember seeing 6:00 change on my clock and i layed in bed til' 7:30 when my dad woke me up to get ready for school. it sucked.

so i got out of bed, from not sleeping since sunday which sucked but i did it. i got my clothes together and i got ready and went out the door. wore my new sexy pants from hot topic and the shirt my baby bought me :] i looked good. lol its a sexy outfit. but anyways, i walked to the bus stop and hoped that the bus wouldnt come but it did, so i got on and sat all alone in the front of the bus. I would much rather sit in the back corner, but the fucking preppy bitches think they're cool and sit back there and i dont want to be around preps ya kno? ;x

so i got off the bus and went to my first period class. it sucked so much walking to class for the first time in so damn long, oy!@#

spanish = our teacher gave us new assigned seats. now thats not cool. christina is still by me, but not really and i sit in back of this girl whos really annoying and she always has her hair on my desk. imma deck her! but anyways, the teacher gave us our grades for the exams and for the semester last term, and oy. i got a C i think on the exam and a D for the semester. joy to the fucking world. but we worked on fixing our notebooks and we started a new chapter of vocab. yay! ugh ;\

english = ahh. hysterical period. lol too funny. i dont even know why.. it was just great. we had to work on vocabulary in that class too. but Justin decided to write me a note, and thats when the hysterical-ness began. He wrote that he liked how people sneeze cuz it's funny. and then people started to sneeze and we fucking cracked up laughing, it was great. yeah, i know..who could have a great class talking about peoples sneezes? i dunno but i finished my work and got em all right by myself woop!

science = my teacher is a ho. all the class time i just kept wanting to scream out 'shut up redneck bitch' but i avoided it cuz i knew i'd get into trouble and i dont want to get into trouble. we took some notes and had to write ten facts about cells. it sucked, but i cooperated like im supposed to so whutever.

chorus = we learned two new songs. they sucked. i dont know the words. i made my funny comments like i always do..great stuff. found out this junior, melanie in my class is engaged ( gina's jealous ) but whutcha gonna do. she has a pretty ring too i guess. oh well. misty dyed her hair blonde, it looks cute, but it looked better brown. oh, and melanie decided to tell us that she has had her clit pierced which is just all gravy. ;\

lunch = ate chicken and fries. no big deal.

math = my teacher gave us new seats once again. she sat me infront of her desk. big surprise. but the thing that bothered me was that she sat me infront of this oh so annoying kid i cannot stand so i made her move him. and now tyra is sitting in back of me ;] yay! we worked on..actually i really dont remember but i dont have homework so it was a great class :D

history = did nothing. just chilled and talked with raquel, kenny, dwight and shad like i do every 6th period. i fuck up kenny's hair and make it..even more afro-like and thats pretty much it. we have an assignment due tomorrow at the end of class, but i dont wanna bring my book tomorrow so i might do it later. who knows.

after school i walked to the bus and sat across from billy and we just talked the whole ride home. funny shit. he's such a loser but cool to talk to i guess? i dunno. so anyways i got home and threw my shit on the floor and sat my big white ass on the chair and came online. and fortunately sean was online so weve been talking ever since, thats great =0)

im supposed to be getting a new cell phone. so yippydoodle for me. i want a nokia ;] right now i got myself a motorola but im over it..it sucks now, so fuck off motorola phone! you can suck my ass. ok *stops talkin to self // phone* i know imma loser but oh well.

well kiddos, i have a large amount of homework that i need to get done. ( hehe who thinks imma do it? ) so leave some lovely comments for me to respond to. imma comment a lil later, so if i dont get to you tonight.. i will tomorrow :D byeees MCL

countdown to the 17th: eleven days till two years.

-gangster with back

you're my everything Sean 1.17.01<333
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