On my way up north (again!), I stopped in Madison to hang with
phil_bond and
laviorli to see Clerks II and Lady in the Water back-to-back. Don't worry -- I did the honest thing and actually paid for both tickets...
Clerks II
This movie has been a long time coming, starting with an empty threat after the credits of Dogma (I think). Fortunately this lead to the sadly short-lived but most excellent cartoon. Then talk of an animated feature? But that would have been a wholly different movie.
It's 12 years hence, but Dante and Randall still have it. I'm telling you. Wonderfully narrow in scope and low-key (except for an awesome dance number -- no lie!), this is the perfect sequel to the original. Somehow its defeatist. Somehow. But it works.
And I don't know how she does it, but Rosario Dawson actually makes me believe she'd bang Dante. I want her to be my girlfriend. Kevin Smith's wife? Not so much. But how crazy must it be to get a job where you get to snog the director's woman? I think ol' Bob just wanted to get his old lady's tits onscreen. Well done, sir.
I'm not sure I could make it through the donkey show again, though.
Stick around well after the credits are over (and the View Askew logo) -- if you friended Clerks II in time, you might see your name roll by on the screen. It take a very. Long. Time.
Lady in the Water
I had no idea what to expect from this movie, but I'd just seen Unbreakable again with Caleb and
crabmoon and I realized I didn't care as long as I got more M. Night Shyamalamadingdong goodness.
There's a reason I like his style. I always love the cinematography. This movie is absolutely no exception. Wonderful angle and focus choices. Paul Giamotti was just absolutely awesome, even if I still think of him as Andy Kaufman's sidekick. He's getting Meryl Streep-like in terms of the amount of movies he's in this year (in fact, they're in Ant Bully together).
I don't know if this is a movie so much as a response to criticisms on past films. But after seeing it, I think it's a laudible premise. You get monsters that are actual monsters. There's no suprise ending or paradigm shift as such, but certainly a lot of revelation for the characters. There are a couple of parts directed at the audience, but I think that's alright.
The story itself is based on one that Shyamalan would tell his kids. And it's fun! I love the shit out of it.
I still really like The Village, though. Fuck y'all.
I'm getting all excited because as of a week from now I'll have my own place here (finally!) and I'll be able to do stuff like this a lot more often. I look forward to it.