Act In An Extremely Unruly Manner With Your Genitals Unencumbered by Undergarments

Mar 30, 2006 14:56

So now that I've hit 204 lbs, I've decided I need to do a few things:

-Eat less beef
-Start preparing lunches (preferably with ingredients from Mitsuwa)
-Cut down on caffiene
-Hopefully, if all of these things make me feel better instead of wanting to sleep for a year once I get home, actually go out and do more things during the week! Shock! Horror!
-Additionally, not being so tired and the coming spring months will make it easier to start running on a more regular basis
-Make some progress on the video games I've been buying but not playing so much (Viewtiful Joe DS, Metroid Prime: Hunters, Prince of Persia: Two Thrones, Metroid Prime 2, Shadow of Colossus, We Love Katamari, Myst IV)
-Drop that money-sucking black hole my CoH account

Now, it's not like this is BAD -- for a guy who's about 6'3" one might call that downright healthy -- but the fact I've been gaining so much at all is indicative of a lot of bad habits I've been forming lately. I notice I've been slacking, thanks in part to winter. It's been dark when I've left for work and dark when I've gotten home.

I just don't like the way I've been eating in general, but that time issue is making it more and more difficult. Maybe I'll start off with a nice curry... mmmmmmmm. That reminds me, Mary -- I'll totally bust out the curry pot for your party on the 8th. Oh, and I have that book. Don't let me forget!


jibba jabba, introspective

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