(No, I'm not continuing the boob discussion. Although now that I think about it...)
If you've never shifted a bit, or done a bit-wise operation before, then you haven't lived.
I've just written a pretty simple, yet (I hope) effective -- and more importantly fast -- text encryption/decryption algorithm. The initial, and totally crackable, version already works like a charm. Now I'm trying to figure out how to make it a bit more clever so some errant curious person doesn't undo all my hard work on the first try.
I haven't written a WinForms application in over a year, but last night I flew through one like it was nothing. I'm at that stage of development where unprotected (and therefore editable) data files for my game framework just won't cut it any more, so I've already developed a(n admittedly Don't Hang Me-specific) tools application that will build the kind of secure files I need. This is the sort of thing I would do all the time as a teenager. Thanks to over a decade of experience I can say with no amount of modesty that I can crap out a better application than most of these "professionals", especially ones my age. So you can render the solar system with realistic physics and weather patterns? D00d, I can capture a click event. And with C#, it's disgusting how simple they've made it (even though it's less simple than it was in VB). The stuff I have to deal with at work is far more complex and error-prone. That's good, because I don't want to spend weeks on these tools, which would halt development something fierce.
Speaking of halted development, I've been agonizing for the past month about what I should do with this game. Because it was cutting into my social time, I started resenting the project. It was all in an effort to get the thing out before Christmas. If I could have worked on it full time, I probably would have made thaat deadline weeks ago. Also, I there are other projects I want to work on, so I considered scrapping the whole thing and running off with the (very valuable) changes I made to the core framework to apply to another game. I'm still gonna do that last part, but I want to get the bare minimum done on Don't Hang Me first. Hopefully we'll all be glad that I didn't just pitch this thing when it became too inconvenient.