Democracy Inaction

Dec 14, 2005 11:43

All is not right in Ohio. That paints a fairly dastardly picture. I'd feel better about linking it if there were any sources cited.

Being a programmer, I can think of four dozen ways voting fraud can be committed on these Diebold machines. In fact, several such claims already exist. Banning even the right to CONTEST or force any sort of accountability with these systems is tantamount to an admission of guilt -- if only wrongdoers have reason to fear, then why not make this more accessible?

This is starting to seem terribly like those bills passing through Congress that protect certain industries from "frivolous" lawsuits. What it's really doing is hampering the average citizen's only legal recourse for addressing their greivances, a guaranteed right under the Constitution. You know, that thing that these Supreme Court Justices and new nominees are supposed to uphold?

But it's okay, because people are apparently too stupid to vote for themselves, so if we give them no choice (it's okay because it's the right choice, isn't it?), then that is in no way harming the ideals of Democracy... which the GOP will uphold at any cost!



I feel ill.

In other, related news, the House passed the changes to the PATRIOT Act, but there is an interesting problem in the Senate -- a bipartisan group could to filibuster the extension if they aren't given more time to make sure that the act doesn't overstep its constitutional bounds.

A temporary three-month extension seems reasonable, doesn't it? Well, the White House doesn't think so, and refuses to yield on the matter. Their rhetoric is that the act is too important to let it expire. NO ONE IS ARGUING THAT. All these Senators want is to keep the provisions, but make sure they don't overstep constitutional bounds. It's the White House that's trying to force this into an all-or-nothing proposition, when it could just be renewed for up to one more year before it goes permanent. And it's a good thing, too, because if we're safer with it enacted, then we don't want it overturned in the future because of a constitutional technicality.

Talk about "playing politics". Pot? Meet kettle.

Speaking of the White House, McCain's been trying to get his anti-torture legislation through Congress (which is backed by a whopping 90-9 majority), but he's been blocked by Cheney and his cadre. I find it difficult to fathom -- if they're REALLY being honest -- how they could take two opposing stances on such similar issues with such far-reaching consequences. They're truly linked. It paints the picture that the administration wants to be able to abduct whoever they want, beat the snot out of them, and not have to suffer any consequences for it -- damn the rights of whoever is involved. If that's not the case, it would make sense for them to yield, or at least attempt to compromise, on one issue or the other.

It's worth pointing out that out of the literally thousands of detainees, not one has been charged with a crime... except Pedillo. Remember him? He's one of the two American citizens being held that are accused of training with Al Qaeda. They ended up moving his case into federal court instead of going ahead with the military tribunal. Very interesting indeed. Like I said before, if they have proof then I hope they nail the sucker. If not, he should be acquitted. In either case, he's an American citizen who deserves due process. Looks like after almost three years, he's finally going to get just that. Maybe.

But probably not.


Bush concedes McCain's position on torture bill! Haha, maybe he read this journal?

Initially, he threatened to veto, which is sort of an empty promise since 1) the legislation is attached to a "must-pass" defense spending bill, and 2) Bush has never vetoed anything, ever, so why start with a must-pass measure?

There seems to be a climate change in the White House. Whether it's the plunging poll numbers or trying to diffuse the idea that he's off in his own little bubble, Bush has been behaving differently lately. Perhaps he, like the rest of us, realizes that we're going to have to get along for the next three years?


rambling, ranting, politicking

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