Mar 05, 2008 17:35
APRIL 18-20, 2008
So, I guess this thing is rapidy approaching, a I've managed to talk to almost no one about it so far! My lack of direct involvement this year has kept me from thinking too much about it lately, so forgive the oversight.
It looks like from initial response that I'll be getting a room, as I have the past two years. Renee has agreed to tag along (YES, I did indeed warn her what she was getting into), and after surviving a few hours visiting friends (and playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl) at Anime Milwaukee last weekend, I have no doubt she's up for it. I even convinced her there were things that were gonna be at OUR con that she'd like to do!
I still need to talk to people, so I'm not offering up the space in my room just yet. Keith has been asking if anyone wants to stay with him, although by now I think he might be in a simialr situation.
It's kind of gratifying to see so many people around here really take to this convention -- not only as a measure of personal pride and induced ego-swelling, but because this annual gathering is replacing the hole left by my failure to attend many BotCons in recent years (including this year).
It's gonna be weird, though, because this is the first one ever where Vinnk will not be in attendance. He's getting married at the end of this month -- much too close to No Brand to do both. And there are some personal issues there as well. At the very least, the decision not to go meant he got to visit his family at Christmas for the first time in four years.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Caleb, and therefore Monica, are out. Tom has dibs on the second bed. Anyone else? I'd prefer to get at least four in there.