(no subject)

Mar 27, 2002 22:17

If you didnt know already me and Ivette broke up. I'm not going to go into it so dont even bother asking. *smirks* I'm sick of all of it. So have fun Ivette. It was "nice". I dont know what else to update bout. Hm. Maybe. I'm looking for someone now. So if you want to hang out you all know my SN. I wont cheat on you. *smirks, glares* Right. Damn I dont even sound like myself. *walks off*


Wait you guys are nosy! Why the hell not. *dies*

ivette crushin: we spent time together
SeAnnSCotteR: what...what do you mean spent time together? *freaks*
ivette crushin: a date type thing
SeAnnSCotteR: *looks up* what
SeAnnSCotteR: why
ivette crushin: i dont know
SeAnnSCotteR: *bites his lip* what...happe..n
ivette crushin: I-I we kissed
SeAnnSCotteR: *jaws dropped* you...what
ivette crushin: we kissed
SeAnnSCotteR: why...what..happen *doesnt know what to say*
ivette crushin: we talked we just talked we had dinner we asked what happened between us we we we miss each other
SeAnnSCotteR: So what are you saying Ivette? *stands up...keeps his hand on his pocket* What..the hell are you saying?
ivette crushin: *looks down at floor* me and dante....dante and i we i love dante.
SeAnnSCotteR: *drops his jaw* what *blinks* you got to be kidding...*looks away* this is bullshit..*bites his lip hard*
ivette crushin: im *blinks* sorry. god am i sorry. shit i didnt know this was going to happen. i didnt think i could ever see myself back with dante. but dante and i have history. to much history thats hard to forget. *studders*
SeAnnSCotteR: *looks around* I dont even know what to say Ivette...I cant belive this...you said you loved me...*bites his lip, keeps his hand on his pocket*
ivette crushin: i do *sighs* i do
SeAnnSCotteR: no you dont...if you did then this wouldnt be happening Ivette..
ivette crushin: *looks at floor*
SeAnnSCotteR: *takes the box out of his pocket and slams it on the table and starts walking away* have a nice life Ivette..
ivette crushin: im sorry seann *keeps eyes on floor* im really sorry
SeAnnSCotteR: *doesnt say anything, slams the door*
ivette crushin: goodbye *buries head in hands*
ivette crushin: *stands up and takes box in hand*
SeAnnSCotteR: *goes in his car and sits there staring forward*
ivette crushin: *slowly opens it*
SeAnnSCotteR: *hits his hand against the stering wheel, hits the horn, doesnt mean to, jumps a little*
ivette crushin: *studders* i knew it *sighs and drops the box, sits on couch agan*
SeAnnSCotteR: *turns the car on and drives out of there fast*
ivette crushin: *blinks back tears* i never meant to hurt him....*whispers* i just never thought id love dante so much *lays on couch, closes eyes*
SeAnnSCotteR: *rubs his eyes and drives down faster* this is fucking bullshit...*yells to him self *taps his fingers on the stering wheel pissed off*
ivette crushin: *pulls blanket overself*
SeAnnSCotteR: *thinks, turns sharp almost slidding but keeps control*
SeAnnSCotteR: *gets to his house, slams the door hard, get his finger in there* *yells* shittt!1 god damnit *kicks the door and gets his finger out looking at it*
ivette crushin: *falls asleep, waiting for dante to come over*
SeAnnSCotteR: *yells* And she was fucking in love with me *kicks his door one more time and gets his keys out*
ivette crushin: *wakes up and walks out on to the balcony*
SeAnnSCotteR: *gets in his house and throws his stuff on the ground, goes and sits in the coner of the room, alone*
ivette crushin: *looks out at the ocean*
SeAnnSCotteR: *punches the wall, bites his lip*
SeAnnSCotteR: *reads the comments*
SeAnnSCotteR: *cant take this, comes back to your house, lets himself in * Ivette, I want to talk bout this..
ivette crushin: *turns to see you walk in*
SeAnnSCotteR: *stands there, rubs his eyes*
ivette crushin: what *studders and breaths in deep* what are you doing here?
SeAnnSCotteR: I...I..want to talk to you..
ivette crushin: *nods and walks in sitting on the couch as far away from you as possible*
SeAnnSCotteR: You look at me like im nothing...what happen to all the nites I spent with you by my side...while "dante" was out messing around with this other gurl..who was there...I was...I would have done anything for you Ivette...and now he comes crawling back just becuz it's not working out with this one gurl...like he can do what eva the fuck he wants...comes back and leaves...well you know what once a cheater always a cheater it's just going to happen again Ivette...and I dont think this time I will be here for you...You said so much to me it's not even funny now im doubting everything...I cant belive you would do that to me...alright i know i rushed things maybe but Im in love with you...what else am I suppose to do...Now...now...*starts crying* shit *turns around from you*
ivette crushin: *runs hands through hair* you don't know my history with him. i never meant to hurt you, i wasnt out to do that god knows its the last thing i wanted to do. i was hurt seann i was hurt that he could actually do that but i cheated to we both cheated. and im sorry theres just so much between me and dante. so many unwritten rules so many jokes so many things. ive shared everything with him. he makes me who i am *sighs*
ivette crushin: i know that doesnt jack shit
ivette crushin: explain*
SeAnnSCotteR: *shakes his head and turns around again*
ivette crushin: but but i lied to myself, i lied to myself
ivette crushin: i wasnt try to myself and i wasnt true to you
SeAnnSCotteR: that's what you said bout Dante Ivette
ivette crushin: i didnt know what i wanted
SeAnnSCotteR: and you want him? him the one that cheated on you..
ivette crushin: i did things to i pushed him away...i ran away from my problems.
SeAnnSCotteR: that's bullshit
SeAnnSCotteR: you know what I dont care...*turns around from you*
ivette crushin: you wouldnt be here if you didnt care
SeAnnSCotteR: you dont care so why should i? *hits the wall with his hand*
ivette crushin: *sits on couch* i do care
SeAnnSCotteR: *hits the wall harder* no you dont
ivette crushin: please stop
SeAnnSCotteR: stop what?
ivette crushin: hitting the wall
SeAnnSCotteR: stop caring...stop being your friend...stop fucking loving you *hits it hard again*
ivette crushin: *turns away* just leave
SeAnnSCotteR: *turns around* just leave...just get out of your life...just run away from this relationship..
ivette crushin: *shakes head*
SeAnnSCotteR: I cant...Ivette...I just cant...*slams his hand hard into the wall*
ivette crushin: then stop fucking hitting the wall
SeAnnSCotteR: *turns around* You cant even look at me..
ivette crushin: want me too look you in the eyes *stands up in front of you, looks you in the eyes* look seann im sorry. im sorry for doing this but its not going to change anything. im sorry
SeAnnSCotteR: *looks at you* you dont mean...that...*shallows hard*
ivette crushin: i do *looks away*
SeAnnSCotteR: if..you didnt wanna be with me you could have told me..you didnt have to cheat Ivette...*looks down at his hands*
ivette crushin: i didnt think it would lead me to cheat
SeAnnSCotteR: well it did
ivette crushin: i know
SeAnnSCotteR: I just cant take this..
SeAnnSCotteR: I get out of your life..everyones life *turns away*
ivette crushin: don't say that
SeAnnSCotteR: What? what should I say
ivette crushin: dont hurt yourself
SeAnnSCotteR: fuck that..
SeAnnSCotteR: why would you care what happens
ivette crushin: cause i do love you
ivette crushin: dont think i dont
ivette crushin: god
SeAnnSCotteR: no you dont...if you did then this wouldnt have happen and you even said yourself you didnt
ivette crushin: im not fucking perfect all right and im sorry i never planned this to happen. but dont put words in my mouth i'll always love you i always will
SeAnnSCotteR: I never said you were perfect Ivette...and I wasnt putting words in your mouth..but dont say you love me it's not the truth I could careless now..you dont love me you never have...
ivette crushin: i do love you, i just dont you in the way you want me too
SeAnnSCotteR: dont say it at all I dont care *turns away and slams his fist into a wall*
ivette crushin: *sighs* whatever believe whatever you want
SeAnnSCotteR: I will
SeAnnSCotteR: I..just cant..
ivette crushin: *nods*
SeAnnSCotteR: *shakes his head*
ivette crushin: what do you want me to do?
ivette crushin: just change the way i feel
SeAnnSCotteR: why Suddenly you just dont love me anymore..
ivette crushin: i just didnt suddenly stop loving you....ive never stopped loving you
SeAnnSCotteR: yes you did
ivette crushin: i didnt
SeAnnSCotteR: what the hell is all this then
ivette crushin: you dont know what im thinking
SeAnnSCotteR: well help me understand..
ivette crushin: i love you i do *sighs* but not the way you love me
SeAnnSCotteR: I know that's what IM saying Ivette what happen
SeAnnSCotteR: what did I do
ivette crushin: you didnt do anything, its me
SeAnnSCotteR: sure..
ivette crushin: its me
SeAnnSCotteR: it dont seem like
ivette crushin: its me not wanting to let go of dante
SeAnnSCotteR: *bites his lip hard*
ivette crushin: im sorry
SeAnnSCotteR: for what
ivette crushin: for all of this
SeAnnSCotteR: dont be sorry...
ivette crushin: i am
SeAnnSCotteR: dont be *yells it a little*
SeAnnSCotteR: *doesnt mean to*
ivette crushin: *sighs* whatever
SeAnnSCotteR: yeah whatever
SeAnnSCotteR: *punches his hand hard into the wall to get all the pain out*
ivette crushin: *shakes head*
SeAnnSCotteR: *sighs*
SeAnnSCotteR: why do i even try
ivette crushin: *shrugs* because your hurt
SeAnnSCotteR: what ever *mocks you*
ivette crushin: you know just fucking leave all right *turns away*
SeAnnSCotteR: *turns you back around facing me, looks you in the eyes* is that what you want...truly Ivette just be honest...
ivette crushin: yes seann its what i want
SeAnnSCotteR: *looks down and back at you* alright...sorry...bye *turns away*
SeAnnSCotteR: sorry I eva cared..
ivette crushin: *sighs* im sorry
SeAnnSCotteR: *walks out before you can say anything else, stands at the door, leans against it*
ivette crushin: *sits back on the couch, wraps blankets around my body, closing eyes*
SeAnnSCotteR: *hits the side of the door hard* damnit..*whispers* I loved you Ivette...I would have done anything...*rubs his eyes and turns around walking to his car*
ivette crushin: *sighs* i never wanted to hurt you seann *blinks back tears again* i just, i know who i want now *keeps eyes close*
SeAnnSCotteR: *leaves, after from everything*
SeAnnSCotteR: away*
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