Originally published at
Sean Nittner. Please leave any
comments there.
EndGame has been running their awesome minicons for a little over five years now. I’ve run games at a majority of them and attended even more, but this time up (April 14th), I’m part of the action!
Chris Hanrahan and I have been talking for a couple years now about a good sign up system for cons. After we both saw how well Events Manager worked for Big Bad Con, Chris decided to give it a go for the next minicon. Together we setup the sign ups and I’m very excited to see it go live on 3/31. You can check out the games now at
endgameoakland.com/minicon and sign ups will go live on 3/31 at noon.
Note: To use the system, you need an account. So if you want to play get registered now. Don’t wait till the last minute because new accounts have to be approved, which is a manual process, one you don’t want to be waiting for as you’re watching all the awesome games fill up!
Register here.
My ultimate goal is for the Northern California cons to get away from the lottery and adopt a sign up in advance system like this one. That way the con never over books and everyone knows what games they’re signed up for in advance! I know it’s unlikely, but a guy can dream.