Apr 06, 2006 10:55
I got a chance to post sooner than I'd expected. Todd (the husband portion of the couple I'm staying with) picked up an extra shift today, so I'm on my own until 6pm. That works fine for me, as I think a day spent reading and petting the kitties (Fish and Chips ... no kidding) is just what's needed. Switching to Daylight Savings Time and then almost immediately moving to a time zone three hours ahead can certainly screw with your sense of what hour of the day it is. Fortunately, I was exhausted when I arrived last night, so after chatting with Tamora (the wife portion) while she packed for her flight out to visit her family for a few days, I went to bed and woke up this morning at a reasonable time.
Tonight I'm meeting up with an old friend and his lovely girlfriend for dinner somewhere around the Union Square area, then meeting Todd for drinks wherever we happen to decide to go. The rest of the weekend is as yet completely unscheduled, but I suspect I'll be meeting up with several other friends at several other places, plus hanging out with Todd a lot.
I'll see if I can scare up a camera somewhere so I can take photos to post with some of my entries. Nothing entertains like photos of drunken friends of strangers you only know over the internet, huh?