
Oct 27, 2004 20:44

i Got Grand Theft Auto : San ANdreas its awesome but it the liscence of grand theft auto feels like its starting to run dry, and RockStar is starting to milk it for the money.....ok there goes my conversation that i just had with myself because its "dork" talk according to someone. I'm tryin to decide if i want to go to ginas on no ones gonna be there. I could go to ashley's party on saturday....i would need to find somewhere to sleep.

"Its hard to understand takes alot of time , skill...and patience, but in the end if you understand how someone work then you can tell if they are the one or if shes just someone to make you realize who the one is"
-As it was written in the great Book of Sean

O yea i might be running for class thats right SeanClark for class president i'm not sure what the job entalls but i'm gonna try
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