Title: Neighbours
Length: One-shot
Rating: R
Pairing: Yesung / Ryeowook, Kyuhyun / Sungmin
Summary: Yesung and Ryeowook spend a precious few days cramming their brains at study camp before college entrance exams. That and watching/listening as the drama unfolds next door.
What happened next door? )
Comments 24
And they would have it so much worse because of their youth.
I once heard a monk say: Tragedy doesn't follow the dead, but haunts the living.
Couldn't be more true.
I Was Crying Hard By The End Of The Story...So Artistic T__T
kyumin is like romeo and juliet asian style, but a little more tragic..
good thing your distant cousin could marry with his girl even after death
Ooh, I didn't think of R&J. But when I mentioned the plot to my friend, she actually said the Butterfly Lovers!
It was actually my mum's cousin, so that makes him.. my uncle?
Yup, it was good that their parents actually did that even though they only did it after such a drastic event.
thank you so much for sharing this :AA;
Thanks for reading & commenting!
never read it like this
but now im crying like crazy
need some kyumin fluff to cure me gahh
this is so sad
and if im yewok
i cant just
that surely will haunting me if not all my life T.T
but why my kyumin must resort to suicide ><
people should realize that life is so precious and and and
we cant just take our life away that is so sad ;~;
KyuMin were so young in this, love was more important than anything else in their world.
They needed to live more and experience life in order to know how important it is. :)
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