Dec 12, 2004 15:25
So last night I go outside for a cigarette, and I see Alton and Jen. So we're chilling and smoking and Al goes "Yo, FLCL tonight" and I'm like "Yeah man, but we gotta get stoned first" So I go take money out of the ATM and I go up to these guys who live 2 doors away from me and I buy a gram. I go into Al's room and he twists up 2 J's while I played F-Zero, Mario Kart, and then Megaman X. Jen and Al were surprised at how good I was, having never really played Megaman themselves. So he finishes rolling and me and him head down to The Stoning Field. Jen didn't feel like coming. So we get there and spark up one. When we finish I was just like "You high at all man?" and he's like I'm feelin it a bit, but not really high" I agreed and so we sparked up the second one. Then I was ripped. So we go back to Al's room and started up FLCL. 5 minutes after we start Al's new room mate Garth comes in. And he's like "Oh, FLCL. How far are you guys?" and we're like "We just started man." And we sat there and watched all 6 episodes. And I was so stoned it made it even better. I lovr FLCL so much. Then we topped it off by watching a ridiculous Anime porn that we all laughed at because it was so out of control. Then we headed over to a diner and Garth bought me a coffee. Then we headed back to Johnson and I headed up stairs. Aside from Dan, these are the only people I'm glad to call my friends, because almost everyone else is just a shitty person. Like they'll be all nice to someone when they're there, but when they leave they just start talking shit behind their back. But anyway, I went up stairs and watched Toonami and Full Metal Alchemist. After I was done it was about 4:30am, so I decided to call it a night and go to sleep. But now I have finals to worry about this week, and I'm out of cigarettes and money.