So I took this thing called the Ultimate Mary-Sue Litmus test, using Made of Stone as an example. Needless to say, my character needs to die in a fire. XD Anything over 50 is totally unsalvageable, and I got 52. To be fair, you get 10 automatically for using your real name (as I did), and another 10 for ending up with Hotaru at the end. Being immortal also doesn't help. Luckily, I was able to get points deducted for Sean basically being a jerk through much of the story.
Still, it does remind me that this is a story I could get away with in 1997, but there is no way in God's green earth I could publish it today. And to be fair, I did get someone else to write the sex.
The test, btw, is here: Needs javascript to total properly.