(no subject)

Feb 11, 2006 20:36

so i think i mite starting doing this thing again.
its hard for me to talk about my shit
since im always like shutting it out of my head
i done have this mad desire to sit down and get everything out
although when that happens, through any medium, i of course feel tremendously better.

anytime i get on this thing its raaaandom
even though i check it religiously and read up on everybody
i dont ever really type an entry, even though they dont have to be anything special
just some blablabla let yer fingers go

well im in waco, last night i was at work... god i hate that place
i had this overwhelming need to get the eff outta austin
so i bought a quart of oil and 20bucks of gas
then i was here
except all the austin stations cut out, which really sucks since it was friday,
friday = metal on 101x

yey heavemetle

but ya, that shit cut out, so i was sitting pretty much in silence
and with 30 mins to go on the drive, i kept thinking i was about to get there
like ever 2 mins id see lights on the horizon and be all ooooo oooooo ima ahlmost derr
but wait! whats this???
lorena *sigh

i been playin drums :)

right im in waco and i wanted to stay another day, so i called my boss and was all my fuckin car had a blowout and im not gonna make it back tonite :P

alright, im a good worker, forseriously
like you can totally count on me an all that
unless im being disrespected
and im gettin fucked at this place
so fuck him YAr!@

right well love love love love ovoelvel velvoevvle vevoelvele
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