Oops, once more I've been a bit quiet on the ol' LJ front... well, some notes from the last couple of weeks.
I was lucky enough to find a source for a couple of obituaries for a couple of members of my family who were physicians in New Zealand; I was kindly sent the scans of their pages the same day.
So I was on the bus the other day, and I was noticing how many people had earphones in. It really reminded me of that scene in... a certain ep of the new season of Doctor Who (won't mention which one due to spoilers) with all the people just standing stock still listening to their ear buds. Then I checked my volume and started my MP3 player...
Last week the news had a story about a group of arseholes driving around hassling people from their car, including one kid who was too scared to go out, or even to sleep, and they weren't charged because "it was just a prank." Yes, the driver actually turned himself in to the cops, but because "it was just a prank" they're off scot-free! How ridiculous. What if they'd decided to go further huh? At what point does the "prank" stop being so forgivable?
Hmm, what shall I do tomorrow, go to work, or go have a happyfun joke with the people at the bank? Prank robbery, with a prank-twelve-guage... surely there'll be no harm in it, just a little fun get rich quick scheme!
Hooray, great find! I was in Borders on Friday, armed with a 20% off any CD voucher (I get their emails each Friday), and there in the music section I make a discovery. What should I find but the soundtrack of a little movie from the eighties... Ghostbusters!
Whoa! I was just about to go to bed, when suddenly on the tv I hear "Previously on Enterprise"... it's back with no warning, no fanfare, at midnight on Sunday! Wow, I knew Australian channels love to bury sci-fi, but they've outdone themselves!
Heh. "And you must be T'Pol."
"If I must, I must. Personally I'd rather be Meryl Streep, but then wouldn't we all?"
I watched too much Ghostbusters when I was a kid...
The Question Meme
1. What does your Livejournal name mean?
Sean, Daniel's Clone. My long-time call sign on the internet, having been cloned sometime in late 2000 in a Stargate chatroom.
2. Elaborate on your default photo?
Well, ties in the whole DC thing, and it has Spader as well as Shanksy, not playing favourites.
3. Make up a question.
How truthful should these things be, and how many questions should I answer wackily?
4. What's your current relationship status?
5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?
This season, I are mostly slobbing around in dark magenta tshirt and black shorts. I'm also wearing my usual slightly dazed expression. I know, not as interesting as some... ;)
6. What is your current problem?
*shrugs* That the weekends aren't long enough? And that my left eye feels kinda like I got orange-spray in there...
7. What do you love most?
Sarcasm. ;) Bein' lazy.
8. What makes you most happy?
Well, the above is a good start. Getting to go nuts with skewed perspectives and quoting when talking.
9. Are you musically inclined?
I play a mean air-guitar. ;)
Otherwise, not really. I sound better in my head than when actually singing, not that I have much chance to really belt something out.
We did have to learn the recorder in primary school (making it something of a family tradition, since my Mum and Aunt did too - I was actually using their old ones), but I haven't played it since then.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
I'd probably do something stupid and step on the wrong butterfly and destroy the future or something. "Mustn't crush, mustn't kill, MADE IT!" *squelch* "Awww, I wish I wish I hadn't killed that fish."
Or do something with winning lotto numbers given to my Dad a few times between the last 30 and 15 years. Or at least a few numbers and tell little me not to be a whiny little soandso and train with Lieut. Dad.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
Something with a lot of keepers in a zoo seeing to my every need.
12. Ever have a near death experience?
Well, a car I was in was almost struck by lightning once.
And one time someone stuck a needle in my bike helmet. I reckon if I hadn't taken it out I wouldn't have stopped in time at a certain intersection that afternoon.
13. Name an obvious quality you have.
Can solve the obvious mysteries of the computer with just a click and a prod.
14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
"I'll Be Gone" - Spectrum.
15. Who did you cut and paste this from?
I copied this out in calligraphy from
calliopes_pen, then realised I had to type it out for it to be any good, which is why it's taken me so long to get around to.
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Dave Berg, you might remember his "The Lighter Side Of..." for MAD Magazine.
17. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?
No. Though I should have.
18. Have you ever been in a fight?
What schoolboy hasn't? If I was faster there would've been more, and even if I couldn't throw a punch right, it would've shut the bastards up even for five minutes. It ain't pretty, but it's the truth.
19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Well, apart from class plays and one year in drama class, nope. And with 20-20 hindsight, I'll be all conspiracy-theorist, remembering that in the big play I had all of one line to myself. Thanks for taking my money...
20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
A cheeky grin is a good start, as is brown hair.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Nothing. I don't drink coffee. Plus I don't want to have to hunt down a Starbucks in the middle of all the other coffeeshops around...
Just wish they hadn't turfed out the coffee cart from work so they could put a machine in the lunch kiosk - now those of us who just want food have to wait for all the coffees...
24. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Well, just some archaeologist from a little planet you've never heard of... ;)
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
This differs from normal tv how? ;) Depends on what falls under the banner of kid's shows. I mean, I don't watch the stuff that's on now, I'm not home/awake at the time. But I've got the dvds of Press Gang, and of Real Ghostbusters cartoon, which were faves of mine as a kid.
26. Did you have braces?
Nope. I've got a belt.
27. Are you comfortable with your height?
Yes, I'm comfortable with my height. It's the inconsiderate designers making everything for much shorter people I'm not comfortable with. I feel like I'm built to a slightly different scale to everyone else.
28. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
A gentleman doesn't tell. :P
29. Do you speak any other languages?
I tend to speak a mix of English and rubbish.
30. Do you have a crush on someone on your livejournal?
What do you think?
Aaaannd that's a rhetorical question.
And now, to bed. Night all!