Two Years, Still No Life

Jul 01, 2006 23:55

Aaannd here we are, two years worth of entertaining the wide brown landinternet, since I was given an excuse talked into starting one of these up.

I bought the new issue of Blue Beetle this week; the scanner at the register didn't want to scan it's barcode, and the guy said that they're always having trouble getting Blue Beetle to scan - I guess even the computers are still miffed over what happened to Ted Kord!

Hooray! According to the TV guide, we've got new Doctor Who back next Saturday, with the Christmas Invasion! At long last too...

I still don't like morning teas. Big disappointment for me on Thursday - since I was the only one who didn't get to go! Too many people crowding into too narrow a space, I just can't make myself go somewhere like that (I don't like being touched), and various people coming along and asking "aren't you eating?" didn't help - didn't they see all the people even Odo or Reed Richards would have trouble getting past? At least the lunch next Tuesday should be better.

The day started and ended better though. A wave of black across the sky when a flock of black cockatoos appeared and flew right over me - too quick to count but I'd guess about seventy or more. Afterwards? A trip to Borders to put in an order for The Man from Krypton essaybook as recommended by someone - MUCH cheaper than going through Amazon. And this order gave me a comment-slip which gave me a 20% discount for calling in - yay! I went back on Friday to pick the new New Frontier hc up (the girl who was there before me got the predecessor as I walked up), and I take it not many of these have gone out yet - none of the staff at the front register had taken one yet! And didn't know if these ones worked like normal discounts (sorry Borders staff, but I do like to confuse people!)

And now, a couple of things that I've put off a while:

Didn't think to leave the names attached, duh.

A - Available: "Twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week, no job is too big, no fee is too big..." [/Venkman]
A - Age: 27
A - Annoyance: That there can be people so vindictive and hateful in the land of the "fair go", and that they're so easily manipulated by the newsragspapers.

B - Best Friend: appeared on the "A Night At The Opera" album
B - Bad Habit: Procra... ah, I'll finish this later.
B - Birthday: Spent immersed in the world of my ancestors.

C - Crush: still have to watch this movie, as I hear Amber is in it.
C - Cats: miss them
C - Car: something that shouldn't be allowed near Wittenoom Street, especially when I'm trying to cross it!

D - Dead Pets Name: All of them...
D - Desk Top Picture: Phoenix III (a certain newborn star)
D - Dogs: miss them too.

E - Easiest person to talk to: I have little difficulty talking to people, but the closer someone is to me, the easier it is.
E - Eggs: Depends on who's making them. Curried egg from MYO=delish! Curried egg from City Provisions="....water...."
E - Email: Need to be better about it.

F - Favourite colors: Greens and blues.
F - Food: Biscuits and sandwiches, easy to eat mostly dry foods.
F - Fun Word: Spatula's a funny word. As is chimichanga. Chamichanga chimichanga... enchilada... crumbs I'm turning into Deadpool.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: "Previous Venus" *drool*
G - God: A private matter.
G - Good Times: I call that "night time".

H - Hair Colour: Dark brown (both own and prefer)
H - Height: 190 cm in real terms. ;)
H - Happy: At various times during the day, depends what's happening.

I - Ice Cream: Not right now, tis winter! When it warms up again, for sure. Just wish they'd stop discontinuing all the various flavours. How many vanillas and chocolates do they need on the shelf?! Variety, people!
I - In school?: Long since out of there. Now I just help those who chose to go back.
I - Idiots?: Don't get me started.

K - Kids: Not seeing it happening.
K - Karate: I had a friend as a kid who took judo class, does that help?
K - Kung fu: Those cats were fast as lightning...

L - Longest Car Ride: In one go? Probably Meckering to Busselton through Perth - 365 km (and back the same day). I thought it might've been Perth to Leeman, but that's "only" 300 km.
L - Longest relationship: Too short.
L - Last phone call: Since it's been the weekend, to Mum this arvo.

M - Milk Flavour: Was why they called those "Milko" lollies "Milko" (funny that). You used to go and buy a bunch of those with raspberry Redskins and peppermint I don't remember what they were called.
M - Movie Last Watched: at movies - X-Men 3, on telly - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
M - MILFS?: Mechanised Ink Leaking Fountainpen Scribblings? Would be handy if the ink didn't leak so much...

N - Number of Siblings: Zero.
N - Bluebonnet or Cortana Mall: Perhaps. [/Kosh]
N - Name: My friends call me Moon Unit.

O - One Phobia: People.
O - Open About yourself?: Somewhat. Sometimes I catch myself about to blurt more than I meant.
O - Orchestra?: Wishing I could find info on orchestras/choirs of the 20s/30s around here, find which one great-grandpa Hanton was in.

P - Parents: Two thereof. Currently in a near yet distant town, for such is the nature of our wide brown land, where "near" means "anywhere in a thousand ks".
P - Part of your jerking: I can be rather distant. Mostly because I have no idea what to say.
P - Part of your personality you like best: Funny randomness.

R - Reality TV Shows: Taking away valuable airspace from the good stuff.
R - Right or Left: Depends which way will get me where I want to go.
R - Right now: you are reading this.

S - Song Last Heard: Charles Atlas Song (reprise)
S - Season: Winter
S - Sport: Complaining.

T - Time you woke up: Just before midday (it's the weekend).
T - Time Now: 11.33
T - Time for bed: Not until the movie's over.

U - Unknown Fact about me: My room is messy.
U - Unicorns: Can't say I've seen one myself - I think I would've noticed.
U - U Are: *thwaps writer for using netspeak*

V - Vegetable you hate: Celery for false advertising.
V - Vegetable you love: Potato (eh, I'll pretty much shovel it all in)
V - Voice: Delightfully confusing accentwise. Horrifying recorded.

W - Worst Habits: Not thinking up something good to say until the moment has passed.
W - Where are you going to travel next?: The fridge.
W - Where were you born?: Swan Districts Hospital, Middle Swan.

X - X-rated: *covers Rachel's eyes* :P
X - x-boyfriend/girlfriend: regrets...
X - X-tra: X-tra power! Ah, Charles Xavier, a netspeaker decades before his time! We can only hope Kitty Pryde just gave him a *look* when he tried it years later to stop him trying again.

Y - Year you were born: 1979
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: speechbubbles versus a Green Lantern - the next DC/Marvel crossover we need to see!

Z - Zoo Animals: Have much nice accomodations these days, thank goodness! I saw some pictures from the Zoo about a hundred years ago (note to self, check when Stannage was written), and :eek:!
Z - Zodiac: Gemini
Z - Zoolander: Wants to teach the kids to read, except they can't even fit in the building...


1) How old do you wish you were? 18.

2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? In this very chair, talking to Ann when the telly switched over.

3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? I run at them screaming and launch into a flying kick!

4) Do you consider yourself kind? In a good mood, yeah. Others may disagree. Depends on the circumstance.

5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? In a tattoo parlour. *ducks thrown objects* Ok, forehead, as soon as they can do hologram-style tatts.
"What's that H for?"
"I'm a hologram!" *thwap!* "Hard light."

6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Latin.

7) Do you know your neighbors? No.

8) What do you consider a vacation? Not having to go in to work.

9) Do you follow your horoscope? No. Usually I don't even think to look at it for a laugh. I have a workmate who will though, even if it's inaccurate (ie "Gemini guys are flirts!" *sits at desk shooting a Spockian eyebrowlift across room*).

10) Would you move for the person you loved? Depending on how the logistics all worked out, yes.

11) Are you touchy feely? No. Which would appear to make me something of an oddity.

12) Do you believe that opposites attract? What believe? *gets a bunch of bar magnets from the local high school, starts playing with those*. Or aren't we talking about science?

13) Dream job? Batman? But with powers.

14) Favorite channel(s)? Well, 10 kind of by default - I switch on for The Simpsons or early news if I'm home early enough, and just leave it on there unless there's something I really want to watch on another channel.

15) Favourite place to go on weekends? Nowhere. Weekends are for escaping from being other places.

16) Showers or Baths? Showers. Definitely. Baths are a crime against tallness.

17) Do you paint your nails? No. Unless someone were to offer me money...

18) Do you trust people easily? Not really.

19) What are your phobias? Being around people. Not being good enough. Eight foot tall armour plated alien killing machines.

20) Do you want kids? No thanks, nowhere to keep 'em.

21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? No. I tried occasionally, but they fizzled out after a couple of days. You may have noticed how I sometimes let things slip.

22) Where would you rather be right now? I think it's Carbisdale Castle. The part that's a youth hostel now. We had our own room since it was quiet at the time, and the room had its own little windowbox/circular windowseat. I'd like to be in there with a book.

23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? Rahne Sinclair of the New Mutants... oh, wait, that's someone who is warm and fuzzy. Kurt Wagner of the X-Men... oh, wait, that's... (and so on and so forth)

24) Heavy or light sleeper? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

25) Are you paranoid? I wouldn't call it paranoid, I'd call it sensible.
And who told you to say that?

26) Are you impatient? Somewhat. Put that picture of Impulse down, Rachel, I'm not that bad! :P

27) Who can you relate to? The worried, those just trying to keep down and make it through. Sometimes no one.

28) How do you feel about interracial couples? Awww, lucky.

29) Have you been burned by love? Yes

30) What's your favorite pick up line? "Ahh, why'd this thing I have to pick up have to be on the floor?!"

31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile? Haven't got a mobile.

32) What were you doing at midnight last night? The same thing I do every night. Try to take over the world!

33) What did the last text on your cellphone say? Even if I had one, it'd probably be spam from Telstra for some new service...

34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night? It isn't anyone's yet, I snuck into the furniture store...

35) What color shirt are you wearing? Magenta with a phoenix-but-not-that-Phoenix print.

36) Most recent movie you watched? Still Rocky Horror

37) Name three things you have on you at all times: Keys, wallet, handkerchief.

38.) What color are your bed sheets? Currently: Blue.

39) How much cash do you have on you right now? $60 in notes, about $12 in coins.

40) What is your favourite part of the chicken? The meaty bits.

41) What's your favorite town/city? Well, Perth would be the place for me. Been a while since I went to the overseas ones...

42) I can't wait till: The movies next Friday.

43) What's your favourite colour? Green teal.

44) What did you have for dinner last night? Chicken schnitzel and salad roll, a rock cake and a couple of chocolate biscuits.

45) How tall are you barefoot? 190cm

46) Have you ever smoked heroin? No. I haven't even smoked a kipper.

47) Do you own a gun? Does a phaser count?

48) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Vanilla Up-And-Go (well, tis quicker than cereal)

49) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Shiny things that distr... oops, that's the secret weapon against me.

50) Do you have A.D.D.? No.

51) What time did you wake up today? Just before midday.

52) Current worry? What brilliant scheme is going to come up to replace SysAdminGuy. And still no sign of a certain document.

53) Current hate? Li'l Johnnie and his "Congaline of Suckholes"

54) Favorite place to be? Online

55) Where would you like to travel? London and Edinburgh, for sure. Possibly Doullens, France and St. Just, Cornwall. A few other places.

56) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs? Possibly giving in to the inevitable and sitting in a new chair. It'd be pretty funny to still be here in ten years too, making almost 19 years in the same situation.

57) Last thing you ate? Rissoles

58) What songs do you sing in the shower? Stuff from Rocky Horror or Once More With Feeling. Not that I can really let loose and belt anything out at that time of morning.

59) Last thing that made you laugh? scans_daily being able to provide the punchline for my jokes before I even realised I'd mention something there.

60) Worst injury you've ever had? Gravel rash all down one leg for sheer area. Another gouge down the same leg just for the sheer longevity of the scar.

61) Does someone have a crush on you? *sniffle*

62) What's your favorite candy? As cliche as it may sound, chocolate. Usually crunchy m&ms, or a twix.

63) What song do you want played at your funeral? Do people have to stand? Cause if so "Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida" ;) (what? it's not like I'll get one anyway).

Rocky Horror's on tv right now! :D I've got it turned down since it's late at night, but I don't really need to be able to hear it anyway after seeing it so often. :lol:

books, rocky, comics, survey, who

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