I should stop thinking so much during storms. There was a storm going across the city this morning on my way into work. It had just started raining/lightning as my bus got into the busport. A couple of minutes into waiting and watching the rain, I thought "I wonder if the storm could knock out the power here." Half a minute later, and the busport platforms lose their lights! Stuff like info screens still worked, but I had to laugh (lucky I was alone, and in the semi-darkness).
Anyway, I forgot to mention I was playing teacher last week too - another work experience student who got to play with us since nobody thought to arrange anything beforehand. Luckily she had some stuff to go on with yesterday when I was the only library person to show up - there's a reason I went for the more practical studies, not the management side of things. But her work for the week has been sorted out anyway. So back to my usual mad rush between two-and-a-bit jobs (although the disposition area knows how much I won't have time for that for the foreseeable future).
Anyway, until more of interest to say comes up, here's a little survey, taken from the studious
1) What is one of your favorite songs by one of your favorite artists that nobody seems to really like as much as you? "Artists"? *looks at so many soundtracks*...
2) Have you ever walked out of a movie? If so, which? No... I'm not going to waste the $15 it takes to get in these days. Plus I rarely go unless I definitely want to see a film.
3) Are there any books that you had to read for school that you actually liked? Well, not wildly like, but could probably stand to read them again now.
4) What is/are your favorite subject(s) to write about? Me :D All the things I do-o-o and all the things I see... (a million points to anyone who gets that reference)
5) If any, how many people on your friends list do you actually want to meet? I want to meet the entire scans_daily community :lol: (oh, what a weird experience a hotel full of s_d would be...)
6) How many hours do you estimate you kill on the internet per week? Not enough...
7) Put a picture here that just looks cool to you.
Can't be bothered - just picture an icebreaker in Antarctica...
8) Have you actually heard anybody laugh at you while you were dancing? No, not that I've danced since year 8...
9) Which culture is the most fascinating to you? Geek.
10) What store would someone have to pay you to spend an hour in? Boutique. I can barely spend enough time to get clothes in clothes stores, let alone just hang around in one.
11) Go through your thought process during your first kiss: *usual mental static*
12) Give us a website that genuinely makes you laugh and tell us why we should visit it: scans_daily community here on LJ - the comments on the comics pages that are posted are always hilarious!
13) What is your guilty pleasure food? Total guilty pleasure? Pizza. Or "power's out so can't cook anything".
14) What video game/computer game do you think you've spent the most hours of your life playing? Probably Tetris or Super Mario Land for the original Gameboy (they were the only two I had!) After that would be the Star Trek The Next Generation game I borrowed from a friend heaps (if *that* had been available here I'd've found a way - he had to get overseas family to send it), and in later years either Dominion Wars or Away Team on my old computers.
15) What is the most memorable moment you can think of in your life that included rain? Right now (thanks to the TAR post) I'm thinking of this time in year 12 (would've been about June of that year), and our law class went on a field trip to Fremantle Prison. Anyway, being from a country
school, and down in the city, we were given an hour's liberty in town. Teaming up with a mate, we went to Dick Smith for some electronics parts for him, then to the comic store that used to be in Freo called Intergalactic Trading Zone, where I picked up a couple of things (including one of the 'Digest' edition X-Files comics - I remember since we had a major XF fan with us). Anyway, we started back towards the bus, when we missed the street we were meant to go down, and suddenly
CLOUDBURST! It was BUCKETING down! So here we were, trying to work our way around Fremantle Port back around towards the bus a few blocks away, using any path (incl railway track) we could, in the middle of probably the heaviest constant rain you're allowed to have without a storm as well. We made it back eventually, but we were soaked!
16) Best concert you've attended? Um... I think they may have taken us to one at His Maj back in Primary School... it may have been a play though. Might've been both...
17) What is the best use of cheese? Sandwiches.
18) Your favorite sports-related moment? Pointing at the other team and saying "haw-haw!" when our team (ie, Perth - WA - AU) wins. Either that or going to the cricket when dad got his hands on a couple of free tickets - just for the act of going, I was pretty bored once there.
19) Which person in your family reminds you of yourself the most? Well, no one really. There's no nerds that I know of...
20) Whats the most beautiful place you've ever been to? Anywhere can be the most beautiful place. I always thought of myself as a city kid hoiked out to the country, but driving back to Beverley for Dad's 60th, looking out over the fields to the hills barely a k away, in all their muted
colours, the dull greens of the trees, the browns of the harvested fields, against the pale blue sky, and despite what I'd always felt, it still felt like home. That said, there was still clambering across the Lake District and of course most of Scotland.
21) Whats the furthest place away from your home that you've ever driven to? Well, it wasn't me driving (even if I could drive now, I was only a few days shy of 12 then), but the furthest place would probably have to be Carbisdale Castle, in Scotland. Well, furthest from Perth at least. ;)
Furthest distance travelled? Well, over a couple of months would be around England and Scotland. In the one go would probably be... um, anyone know the distance from Johannesburg to Sun City? Either that or Meckering - Perth - Bussellton and back in the same day. Or Perth - Leeman overnight. I'd check the book, but I can't be bothered.
22) When you were a kid, what was your dream job? Still Ghostbuster. :D
23) What common toiletry would you feel lost without? Soap
24) What major spiritual beliefs do you have? I'm not any specific denomination.
25) What TV Shows will you not miss under any condition? Nothing really anymore. I mean, I often have stuff I want to watch, but I'm not really paying attention to the tv when it's on. And before anyone says Stargate, I say "Stargate? Ooohh yeah, I think I remember that..." (it's been a VERY long time since it was on here).
Question 26 is missing, presumed... um... gone...
27) Whats the best thing the internet has ever given to you? Pretty much everything for the last 6 years :D
28) What is the best porn genre? Oh, definitely uhhhh... I mean... none of them *polishes halo*.
29) If you got in a wreck and your car had to be towed, who would you call to pick you up? Well, I don't drive, but I assume a taxi. Making the answer Swan Taxis.
30) Where were you during 9/11? At home. I was talking to Ann on MSN at the time, when Rove went to a commercial break. One of these commercials went on for a bit, so I switched channels, only to find the same thing on the other channel. "Oh, they're advertising the same movie here. Wait. Why would they be advertising the other channel's movies?..." *penny drops, asks Ann if this is real and what she's heard...*
31) What would your cell phone ringtone be if you could choose from any sound? Well, first, I don't have one of the damned things, secondly they're not called cell phones here anyway. :P That said, the theme from Angel would be mine.
32) What did you have to do to get your first job? Show up. :lol: It's true - my first paid work was an extension of my industry placement with my course! Two days I was cataloguing on placement, two days I was cataloguing for money.
33) What is the biggest loss you've ever had on a bet? The price of a lotto ticket. I don't gamble beyond ye grand old Melbourne Cup Office Pool.
34) Have you ever won anything? Yes. When I was about... 11? 12? I don't remember anymore! Anyway, I won a telly! It wasn't even a major prize, it was a weekly prize from a competition through Kelloggs, there were about six major prizes, I'd been trying for the trip to London, which included a quick stint as a cadet pilot with Qantas, and loads of piloty stuff from them as well. Anyway, I had that tv (in the shape of a space helmet) until about a year ago, when it gave up the ghost. Ok, still have it, it just doesn't work.
35) What is the best old school Nickelodeon show? *Looks up the
list in Wikipedia* Ok, I'm going with Real Ghostbusters *sounds of jaws dropping across the world ;)*, You Can't Do That On Television, Star Trek TAS (yeah, I know it predates the network, but it's on the list), Secret World of Alex Mack, and Pinky and the Brain. Oh Rachel, you know I was telling you about Roger Ramjet not so long ago? He's on the list too.
36) How many times have you voted? Lost count. Hmmm, when's the next election, apart from not soon enough? Need new sunnies by then (although at least I've got MP3 play to help me ignore the leafleteers and candidates).
QUESTION 37 is currently being held prisoner by fifty Green Lanterns in the core of a red sun...
38) How many times do you think you lie per day? Oh, I never lie... hey! stop catching fire, trousers!
39) What have you spent most of the last few days thinking about? Waiting for Thursday's trip to the cinematorium, and wondering if it'll be a fine day, cause then I can go to Karrakatta as well and get the photos of the gravestones.
40) What are you looking forward to doing in the near future? See above, assuming the day after tomorrow is future enough.
41) When was the last time you really felt let down by someone? Dunno. I guess I have low expectations, so I'm more surprised by the things that exceed these. Was kinda disappointed that those personnel files didn't have photos in them.
42) Do you have any irrational obsessions? ;)
43) Have you ever collected anything? Um... let's think... yes! Comics and DVDs right now. Plus whatever catches my eye or imagination - like the special edition coins they come out with (just in the normal mix of everyday coins).
44) What things from your childhood have you not thrown out? Well, I've still got some letters and a few books (mainly my Star Treks). When I left home I didn't exactly have a lot of room, so a lot of stuff I left at home, and more stuff Mum kept.
45) What are your three biggest goals in life? Life, liberty, and happiness... on the Planet of the Apes!
46) What quote did you/would you use in your high school yearbook? We didn't *have* quotes, we had how we saw ourselves and how our friends saw us. *rolleyes* And the yearbook-writers made things like nicknames up on those forms too if you didn't have anything. Anyway, the kind of quote I'd've liked to use probably wouldn't have been allowed anyway.
47) Which fast food chain have you started to appreciate a lot? Well, apart from the kiosk at work, the closest thing I have to a fast food chain is Mr Birds MYO where, as the initials suggest, you make your own sandwich.
48) What things do you need to be in your comfort zone? Solitude, computer or books.
Now I just need to find the way to switch back from this rich-text editor to nice normal plaintext... well, something to do later.