Sep 16, 2006 18:50
Work, continued...
I forgot to mention Burt in my last entry. He's a big guy, maybe around his thirties, balding; he's a stocker, like me. Nice guy, kinda wierd though. Always humming some random beat while he's working. I come into the break room, getting back from lunch, and I see him with an mp3 player hooked up to some speakers, blasting some sort of wierd Jazz music, playing along with what I would later discover was a melodica. Kinda like a cross between a keyboard and a recorder. A "poor man's accordion", he called it. My break's supposed to be done by now, but I decided to stick around and talk to him about his music. He told me it was by a one Hermeto Pascoal, an albino Brazillian composer. Apparently one of his heros as well. We listen to more music, and talk some more - apparently this guy plays the melodica, piano, stand-up bass as well as the bass guitar, and percussion among others. He had learned to play along with the music on the melodica by ear completely. We talk about a recording he did a while back with some friends as he pulls it up to listen to. He played bass, and commented about how the flute player was extremely good, and pretty damn cute too. Which put him in a difficult position, since he was really good friends with her. We go on to talk some more - he had picked up most of what he knew about music himself, but also played for a bit at Western. He knew his stuff, his music theory and such, and he lives his life for his music.
Office Depot stocker by day, musician in his spare time. He should really be a music teacher; I think he'd enjoy it immensely. Its not often that you find someone who lives so honestly - who lives his life dedicated towards the pursuit and passion of something. No matter what the cost.