Oct 31, 2009 10:45
Seems like I'm back to square one. Man, is it 3 years ago? I didn't even tell Doc Brown thanks. It's like everyone I've met, up and disappeared.
It's just me and April. My roommate is never home. Well, it's not like we were awesome best buddies anyway. I don't get to see Bonk anymore. I just don't have the time off to do it. Normally, if I had two days off in a row, I'd go over and hang out and whatnot. Since I've been taking commissions, my off days are full of recharging from the day job and doing artwork for commissioners.
My faraway friend, up and severed all connections with me when she met her new play pals. I'm fairly certain she thinks I'm stalking her. I'm not. I just miss her...a lot. My wife says to just forget about her. I tried doing that, but something would happen in my day or I'd smell a purfume that reminded me of her. Damn! I'm saying this likes she's dead or something! LOL!
On one hand, I wanna say "Fuck it." and be about my own business, but how can you be heartless and cold to a friend and just forget them. I can't do it. There will be a place for her...a nice cozy attic room in my heart :p
Anyway, I've been cooking a lot recently. I never realized how much it makes me happy. I feel so powerful in the kitchen. I know it's silly, but it's true.
There is a Halloween party tonight, so I have to go buy alcohol, I'm making a jug of Black Death for the party. I'm not gunna get sick and puke in the bushes this year. FUCK YOU JAMAICAN BANANA RUM!