May 28, 2005 23:48
Quote of the day- "Get off my nuts"- Malik Sheppard
The mood is set. Everything in my room is dark except for the array of candles lined across my dresser like a fleet of limousines. They flicker in and out one at a time. A gorgeous site to witness. Sade plays in the background to compliment the mood I am in. I feel so empty and alone. I thought I was passed this stage. I thought I had moved on. Maybe this is just a bump on the smooth road that is up and coming in my sight. The stress is really building. I miss my buddy Janet. Janet isn't your typical friend. We had a strong love, but it wasn't ordinary. She used to sleep with me everynight. I finally decided to put her back in the drawer with all her cousins, the forks and spoons! However in that drawer I can still feel her presence. She calls to me everynight, "Sean I can solve your problems, I'm all you need." Recently the calls have been getting louder and I've been having hard times sleeping. I toss and turn in my sleep. I wake up with the chills and in cold sweats trying to keep her out of my ear, but in hearing her is a comfort to me at the same time. I don't understand how an object 10cm in length and 3cm in width with sharp ridges can be so mind controlling. Janet is my heroin. I tried to go cold turkey but my will power is running out. All I need is one fix and the problem will be taken care of forever. I shed a tear from my right eye because I know that, that would be the easy way out. However, I'm tired of being strong. What and whom am I being strong for?? You? I'm tired of climbing uphill. The smooth sailing I thought I was seeing was just a mirage toying with my emotions. The bump i'm on is everlasting. It's a smooth Smooth operator, Smooth Operator.
As I listen to this song by Sade called Sally, I just get all shaken up inside. Sally was the only girl who cared for the struggling young men. She saved a lot of them, by doing the dirty work. The dirty work soceity deemed negligible. Sally was offering advice, justifying it by saying, "Better off better than dead" I thought I had a Sally. Boy was I wrong.... She doesn't understand! All I see is her being selfish and inconsiderate of how I feel. If you read this, I want you to know, I wish it was easy to let go, but with your attitude you are pushing me right back into her arms. You know of whom I speak of. Her arms may not be out stretched, but with a little patience on my part I'll nudge them open.
Like the scar of age written all over my face, the war is still raging inside of me, I still feel the chill as I reveal my shame to you. I wear it like, a tattoo! Hopefully tonight the calls won't echo loud enough and Janet makes a guest appearance in my room tonight. Goodnight people