You think you got the best of me, think you had the last laugh...

Nov 04, 2013 11:00 you think that everything good is gone.

This is the remaining shape of my 2013, with travel dates and everything. Beautiful travel dates. Hope to see you sometime in the months to come. The bulk of the list is now 2014, as we are sailing blithely on into its bright and unknown harbors.


"We Both Go Down Together," November 19 2013.
"Frontier ABCs: The Life and Times of Charity Smith, Schoolteacher," December 3 2013.
"Red as Snow," December 2013.

Half-Off Ragnarok, March 4 2014.
"Jammed," April 1 2014.
"Knit a Sweater Out of Sky," May 13 2014.
"Stingers and Strangers," May 2014.
Sparrow Hill Road, June 3 2014.
The Winter Long, September 2 2014.
Symbiont, November 2014.

"The Happiest Place...," unknown.
"No Sooner Met," unknown.
"The Fixed Stars," unknown.
"Train Yard Blues," unknown (previously October 13 2013).


SFContario, November 29-December 1, Toronto Canada.

Boskone 51, February 14-16 2014, Boston MA.
FOGcon 4, March 7-9, Walnut Creek CA.
Norwescon 37, April 17-20, Seattle WA.
Loncon 3 (Worldcon 2014), August 14-18, London England.
Shamrokon (Eurocon 2014), August 22-24, Dublin Ireland.

Westercon 68, July 2-5 2015, San Diego CA.

No fixed deadline/being written/unsold:

"The Ghosts of Bourbon Street"
"Forbidden Texts"
"Carry Me Home"
"Pixie Season"
"These Antique Fables"
Still Catch the Tide

Again, to clarify some recent confusion: some things, especially novel-length things, may appear more than once, on both the "publication date" and "being written" lists. This is because the "being written" list is an aggregate, which also includes "no fixed deadline" (IE, being written on spec or for the website) and "unsold" (IE, being written because I can). So new books will appear there for a long time before they vanish, since books take a long time to write, but may also have pub dates listed higher up.

Look at that list. It's so shiny!

inchworm girl

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