Seanan's Guide to Surviving the San Diego International Comic Convention, 2013 Edition.

Jun 26, 2013 07:52

Every year around this time, someone says to me "Gosh, I've never been to the San Diego International Comic Convention before. I don't see what the big deal is. I really don't believe it's as big as everybody tries to make me think it is." And every year, I smack myself in the head and update this guide and pray for their survival ( Read more... )

con prep, a few facts, in the wild

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Comments 61

lillian13 June 26 2013, 15:36:34 UTC
Very good! I've only gone twice (2011-2012), but I was smart enough to read all the planning stuff ahead of time.

I have done Dragon*Con, WorldCon, etc. This is a whole new level of crazy. Believe every word she says!

I would add to your hotel information: This is a service where folks rent out rooms to other people. I stayed about 4 blocks away from a shuttle stop for $50 a night with my own room, bathroom, and kitchen privileges.

And if you are mobility impaired (as I was in 2012), suck it up and go to the Handicapped Access booth and get a sticker for your badge. This will save you countless time waiting in line. ComicCon treats its' mobility impaired guests very, very well.

There is actually a decent little cafeteria down at the far right (as you face the convention center) in the lobby. You can sit down and eat and not feel too ripped off.


seanan_mcguire June 27 2013, 01:28:46 UTC
Oh, excellent tips!


azurelunatic June 26 2013, 15:43:40 UTC
I have recently discovered the merits of those glucose tablets that are marketed to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. They hit the bloodstream quickly (being both physically quick-dissolving, and glucose) and they have spared me a case or five of the Embarrassing Shakes if I get caught out when my blood sugar gives me the half-hour warning. They won't replace a meal, but they have kept me from eating people's faces (metaphorically). (Mostly.)

Right now I'm experimenting with a typesettable self-inking stamp for business card-like purposes. My thought is that I tend to run out of/lose small pieces of cardstock, but maybe if I pre-stamp cards and carry the stamp with me places, if I run out of cards I can stamp other paper. Though this seems more vulnerable to wear and tear than less water-soluble ink formats like professionally printed or even laser printed cards.


seanan_mcguire June 27 2013, 01:28:58 UTC
Very nice!


ravenrose June 26 2013, 16:45:38 UTC
My huge pet peeve:
If you go to a presentation, please, for the love of all things decent, don't ask the Celebs for a hug. Ask them relevant things about their work and their presentation! They are there for that reason, not to hug every fangirl and fanboy at the convention. None of them are there to present on their hugging ability. If the Celebs have an autograph session or a photo session, you might be able to get an individual request like that in there... but please... not at the presentation.. the audience isn't there to watch you get your jollies.. they are there to hear the celeb present!


seanan_mcguire June 27 2013, 01:29:09 UTC



autumnstar1 June 26 2013, 17:05:19 UTC
Also in the necessity of life/blister department: bring mole skin. It's not terribly expensive, available at most stores and is way, way better than just a band-aid. I pre-cut a couple sheets and it has saved me a whole lot of pain.

I'm a native San Diegan, and have been going to the SDCC for the last, oh...20 years or so? and it's INSANE how much bigger it has become. I usually spend all my time on the dealers floor because it is awesome and a great place to people watch.


seanan_mcguire June 27 2013, 01:29:32 UTC
Vixy swears by mole skin. I can't stand it (it makes my feet feel weird), but it's a great supply.


ebenbrooks June 26 2013, 18:04:32 UTC
I attended SDCC before it was SDCCI, from 1990 through 1996. In 1996, the attendance was 35,000, and I decided that that was way too big for me.

Now attendance is 135,000.

I don't have anything against anyone who wants to go and experience it. But not me, thanks.


seanan_mcguire June 27 2013, 01:29:42 UTC
I get that.


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