Hey, San Francisco peeps: tomorrow night is the first ever
Shipwreck event at The Booksmith in San Francisco, and I'm one of the competing authors. What's a Shipwreck? Well, to quote the website:
"Good theatre for bad literature? Marital aid for book nerds? Competitive erotic fan-fiction at its finest? Shipwreck is all of these things.
Six great writers will destroy one great book, one great character at a time, in service of the transcendent and the profane (and also laughs). Marvel as beloved characters are plucked from their worlds and made to do stuff they were never meant to do in places they were never meant to see."
Our inaugural book is The Great Gatsby, and uh. We surely have fucked things up. It's competitive erotic fanfiction, which is 1000% as horrifying as you think it is, and you're going to need to be there to believe it. (For the six or so of you who have read my entry, the competition part of things is blind, for the sake of fairness, so please don't comment revealing which character I was assigned.)
If you're in the Bay Area, it's just $10 to suffer indignities that none has ever suffered before, and to hear some hysterically filthy stuff read by a Shakespearean actor. Come for the LOLs, stay...well, stay for the LOLs, and the booze.