You guys! Publishers Weekly has reviewed Ashes of Honor!
You can read the full, spoiler-free review
by clicking this link, but I wanted to direct you to the following AWESOME quote:
"McGuire applies a hard-boiled mentality and a keen appreciation for mythology to a blend of politics, magic, and romance to make this the most entertaining series installment to date."
This is the best review of a Toby book I've had from PW since Rosemary and Rue. I am basking. Basking, I tell you.
(As a side note, there's a small factual error in the review, which implies that Toby can teleport. She can't teleport. Please don't email either me or Publishers Weekly going "ZOMG ERROR!!!!", because I know about it, and I'd rather not flood legitimate review outlets with fiddly comments. Not that this will actually prevent it, it's just, you know. Polite.)