It was many and many a year ago, in a kingdom by the sea...

Jan 06, 2012 08:07

And now for something completely different: a few words about a convention. No, not one where I'm a guest, although I have several of those to talk about this year (too many, if you ask the cats, who want me to stop traveling and stay home already).

I'm talking about FOGcon.

FOGcon (or "Friends of the Genre") is a literary-themed San Francisco SF/F con in the tradition of Wiscon and Readercon. It's small, fresh, and still forming its traditions. Better yet, it's being held in Walnut Creek, California, my home territory, which makes it awesome. This year's guests are Nalo Hopkinson and Shelley Jackson, with Mary Shelley as their Ghost of Honor, and this year's theme is "The Body."

This is a friendly, cozy convention with a lot of potential to grow into something amazing. I'd love to see the West Coast have its own successful entry into the literary convention world, and it's very well-timed, being held from March 30th to April 1st, when the weather will be amazing here (and still cold almost everywhere else).

If you think this sounds like something you might enjoy, check out the website and consider your options. I don't think you'll be sorry that you did.

This advertisement was not paid for by anyone. The magical moon ponies told me to do it. OBEY THE PONIES.


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