Looks like those eclipses are right on time.

Dec 18, 2010 09:12

Yes, it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for: the moment where I give away the first ARC of Late Eclipses, fourth book in the October Daye series. Because I am an enormous dork, I literally waited to open this giveaway until I had my book-specific icon in place. STOP JUDGING ME. I am a dork, I embrace my dorkitude. Anyway...

Who wants to win an ARC? About what I figured. I'll have some more effort-intensive contests in a little bit, but first up, it's our old favorite, the random drawing. To enter, please do the following:

1) Leave a comment on this entry. Leave it as a comment on the entry, please, not on someone else's comment. Comments left on other comments cannot win.

2) That's all.

Please don't comment going "pick me, pick me," if you could be so kind. I don't pick anyone. The random number generator picks the winner, and it is a cruel mistress which has never yet picked a comment containing "pick me." Instead, why not tell me why you're excited about this book? I'd really love to know.

I will choose a winner at 2PM PST on Tuesday, December 21st.

Game on!

toby daye, late eclipses, giving stuff away

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