When I was a kid growing up below the poverty line in California, I had a lot of toys that were "the hot new thing" about ten years before they wound up in my grasping little hands. This included the glory of the
Creepy Crawlers machine, from Thing Maker. (Modern parents, prepare to be completely and utterly appalled.) It consisted of a small,
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I remember when the big thing in the '80s (I was born in '79 and went to public grade school in Brooklyn, NY) was sniffing markers, sniffing and eating glue, and sniffing and chewing blue pens. Now its raiding Grandma's medicine cabinet for hydrocodone. Or did they do that too in the '80s
My childhood best friend, Brian, had a Creepy Crawler maker. Alongside our massive collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys. We made the Turtles fight the Creepy Crawlers. With My Little Ponies. It was awesome. I miss my 1980s childhood.
Just wanted to say thanks for the memories.
THIS I did have!
Also, you and I are basically the same age, so I, too, miss your childhood.
I was cruel to my Ponies. I drew on them and scarred them, and I made them battle-worthy (because I was disabled and "different from the other kids and stared at") -- but they were the most awesome Ponies ever. And when they teamed up with the Ninja Turtles and She-Ra, they were unstoppable. I liked to take blank cassette tapes and record my stories. I went on a huge Last Unicorn kick once and bought tons of white plastic horses and shoved broken skewers in their foreheads, wrapped in clear tape so the horns would shine. So the Unicorns would join the war, but I couldn't find a Red Bull, so I substituted with red Creepy Crawlers.
....man, I was an odd child.
And yet I can't watch horror films, or violent films, and I need other people to dispose of bugs for me.
Anyway. Thank you for letting me ramble.
We are a ramble-okay zone.
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