I should let you fade away but that just wouldn't be me

Jan 20, 2005 19:20

Hunt called me earlier. He wants me to go visit. He's really pushing for it. Seems to have gotten it into his head that if I'd just go visit him and Shawn everything would fix itself and we'd all be one big happy family again. He's delusional. Sometimes there is no happily ever after. Things get broken. They can't always be fixed. I'm not whining or blaming him. I know I made this bed and I'm lying in it. But the kliq is dead. He's about the only one of us who doesn't see that. I don't know if he's too fuckin' blind or too fuckin' stubborn. Shawn can talk about building bridges but he's not real big on the follow through. And call me what you want but if he thinks I want to go watch him gush and glom all over Shawn he's got rocks in his head.
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