Mar 06, 2004 17:08
For the love of Metallica and all else that is ROCK!!!!! It is HHHOOOOTTT!!! I've never felt so much of a heat in my LIFE!! Its like.....a couple of nasty, sweaty, flabby sumo wrestlers just started rubbing against each other in a big ol' heat of sumo-lovin'!!!! SUMO-BOOOYYYY!!!!! >:O HHHHEEEEEEEEIIIIIIAAAAAATTOOOOOOOOOOOKAAAAAAA-BUKI!!! That by the way is Sumo Boy...well, in a non-messanger-happyface form......He is my internet text creation and the Heiatoka is his patented...Sumo.....move! So don't step ta this-NNNNIIIIGGGGGGAAA!!!!! HOLLA BILLY HOLLLLLLAAAA!!!!!!!!! I don't know why I just said "holla billy holla!!" That was just weird. But you know what else is weird???? Fuckin', ya FACE!!!!! bizzzzzz-naaatch!!!! Wouldn't it be weird if like, one day, you were searching through one of these online journals and you found the journal of some weirdo who wanted someone to die or was just plain psycho?...I think it would. Like, not your typical psycho though. Like some weird, off the wall, balls to the wall psycho. Not a killer(die timmy die.), scratch that, but just some hysterical, goofball weirdo. Like maybe someone who just liked to get get naked...a get..a get.. a get get NAKED...I don't know how or why that just happened. I thought I only typed "get naked" once. Anyway. But who liked to just get naked and rub himself all over things just to feel them or when they got excited like weirdos do. Here, let me try and type that for you:
I love TVs. I love TVs and their programs about people and the Discovery Channel, and those damned Osbournes. Oh they're great. I was watching an episode of SlamBall today on that ever-so-witty and testerone-filled Spike TV. I couldn't believe it Uncle Jermus! My team WON!!!!!! I got SO excited!!!! I was celebrating and jumping up and down and I was so utterly happy that I ripped my clothes off in a frantic heat and started rubbing my excited, naked body all over the television!!!!!! OH HAPPY DAYS!!!! It was great! Well got to go! I've been wondering what the rug feels like when I roll around naked on it. Toot-a-loo!
....Well....Now that was odd.......I didn't even know I was capable of that extent of the word "strange." Is SlamBall even on tonight? Well that about freaked me out. So I'm gonna go. Maybe I'll see if I can pull some people in to start viewing my journal entries. Figured if I'm gonna write this thing somewhere that I can make and is intended to be public, I might as well make it public....Noone's reading this my big ol' Italian ass!!!!!! SOON!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!