May 30, 2005 23:07
i was planning on writing a rant about something
when i was in my Emma's house the other night i was reading Cosmopoliton and it turns out, its actually thr worst magazine in the world, for a number of reasons of course.
hem, hem (Umbridge of life)
firstly they fill the magazines with beautiful, thin girls. Actresses, models, singers. Every one of them either in two poses.
1) omgz1!1 he just said the funniest thing EVER and if i dont wet my pants with laughter i will be killed
2) im being moody. he said that funny thing but im leik so totulleh not laughing at it.
so either one of two things happen these thin girls come across as either happy or to hott to care.
how many readers of this magazine do you think are as hott as these girls? yeah ok probably like 0.01%
how many readers of this magazine do you think are as happy as these girls? i would say a fuckload
the amount of girls who are completely depressed about the way they look is so high. and in fairness many of them are as ugly as they think they are(many even uglier actually). but without magazines like Cosmopolitan telling these girls you have to be thin, you have to be as pretty as miss giant breasts (we're all sure that she was born with them!). not one of the girls in this magazine is actually normal sized. which is fine cos some of them are hott. but a sound clip of abi titmuss would have helped (i love her voice - kay of the point {ed.}). anyway, you know wrong messages and stuff.
the most infuriating thing about Cosmopolitan is they bits at the end. its not the constant adverts which piss me off, as they tend to promote clothes and hottness whcih is important. but its the adverts for plastic surgery that really get my goat (whoo i love goats!). honestly plastic surgery is awful at any time (especially that horrendous nose woman) but imgaine. youre a woman. youre generally angry and youve got the worst PMT ever. you have seen jodie kidd and Lindsay LoHan (hott, she is)looking great and then you see the number for a plastic surgery company promising not to make you look like an alien. you phone it and before you know it you have been booked in with mr. scarydoctorman for next tuesday. i bet that has happened.
so the structure of cosmopolitan is hott people, get hott yourself. via plastic surgery.
so what we've learned today
1) cosmopolitan just isnt that hott
2)Lindsay LoHan is
3)PMT is fun for no-one
4) nose jobs are sometimes needed
5) if you think you're ugly then dont worry, you probably are.
its weird im usually totally for the hott being hott and the ugly being being ugly but this eevil (sorry) magazine pissed me off. ok im done. hott. of course