Feb 19, 2010 04:50
i feel very emotionally charged - but in a good way.
i feel a very strong sense of closure; of peace.
i feel like i have gained redemption over a long since fought and lost battle.
but why?
why why why. why, why?
maybe i'm channeling the olympics.
i must be on the same frequency as evan lysacek, sean white, lindsay vonn, and (that chinese couple).
or, you know what? maybe i need to stop watching the biography channel and old "inside the actor's studio"s after midnight.
but god damn.
anthony hopkins is so fascinating.
his father's put-downs and then winning the oscar and him feeling his late father's approval.
he definitely earned it [the oscar].
i loved the exchanges between him and jodie foster in silence of the lambs.
but then again, so did the academy.
if you know me, you know i'm an absolute sucker for a good movie moment.
that over-the-top exaggeration of an emotional crescendo leading up to that line of dialogue.
*i'm ready for my close-up, mister de mille*
what is that called?
ah, i know.
[see above]
p.s. johnny weir got robbed.