Just taking a break here. At Collectormania today with the gang. Dom and I flew back to the UK yesterday. I'm thrilled to say my mom has come with us! She taking care of Dommie while we're here. She's become so attached to our son, I was in tears when she asked if she could come back with us.
Like every one of these conventions, this one is jam packed! I've hugged more people today then I have this whole month! We get a half hour break from the hoards of people wanting things signed, so I pulled out my lap top here. Dom, Lij and Andy are chatting here. I get a comment in now and then. It's good to see every one looking well.
Andy was checking my belly out, laughing when I smacked him. Yes, I've lost most of Sam's belly thank you! He's crazy! Got Dom giving him the eye and told my babe he was kidnapping me. That Gollum always fancied Sam, being why he jumped him so many times! Ha! Andy you perve, blaming poor Gollum for all those times you coped a feel on set!
This image is taken from Dom's movie called “The Purifiers”
Isn't he beautiful?! God, I'm a lucky man!