May 12, 2005 18:19
How could I forget? Today in Biology we had a sub so we were just goofin off. At some point I got the crosbow david used for a project once out. There was some balsa wood and I snapped it into two pieces and loaded it into the crossbow, thinkin "This won't work, but what the hell." Well, that "arrow" flew from the back of the classroom to the front before falling. That's when I said, "Holy shit, I'm a genius." I proceeded to fire several volleys until the pieces fell apart, so I taped them up. Then I made two more arrows while Britain made me a quiver. It was a lil bootleg, but David fixed it. Then when class was over, we waited for Luke to come out and I drilled him in the back. Then some asshole official took the stuff (even the paper quiver). But it was so worth it.