Sunday Slam Sermon

Jul 13, 2008 13:31

the words : Field Thick Brown High Plant Quiet Morning Vase Sofa Tea Stroll


the poem:

{Literature.Writing.562.886}: Victoria Oak Elliott {lane52} Sun, 13 Jul 2008 10:48:12 PST (24 lines)

dying ground

the field lay thick in sunshine
brown high ridges all around
there is no plant emerging
in this fallow acre just
cubes of hay spaced symmetrical
for your eye to follow like
an escher print motionless
yet moving how? in the quiet
in the morning after the blue
vase broke into a million
crazed sky pieces and you
lay crying on the sofa

not even tea with lemon
helped, not even with the
sweetness of apology
the hesitant smile of

so i stroll
among the finished
fields of summer.

relationship, sunday slam sermon

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