Jun 13, 2003 22:47
Imagine a soundless world. Not necessarily a world without sound but a world that harbors organisms devoid of hearing or subtle vibration detection. Do you think they would slowly evolve into a highly visual race with a language based upon movements and expressions. Would there music be dances? Replace Chopin with a swift yet graceful turning motion. Beethoven with slow, fluid, near-gravity defying. And maybe Bach would be represented as a fast, highly complicated angry dance. How can that express beauty? Tonight I was brought closer to tears than I have been in the last six years. How might you ask? Well it is simple. I was emotionally moved by a pattern of vibrations set at specific frequencies that were chosen by an individual who felt that those "notes" were required in that order. I was shaken by the slightest vibration known to Man; the vibration commonly referred to as sound. That is the Logos at work once again brothers. I am proud to be a part of such a glorious organization. Give it a week and my elation will fade, but until then, I choose to revel in the view.
'Tis my sorrow to tell you that I must depart now. Adieu, adieu and farewell.
Do not mistake my words as an unneeded sounds of consolation. Your time slot is small Katherine, do not avoid your youthful vigor for knowledge. Indulge in what the Logos has to offer. But on the whole, I hope I at least made you smile.