The end is near! I can see it from my house!
i'm finally feeling a little breathing room even though Hallowe'en is only a few days away... so here's how I've been... signed me on as a board member (after "School For Husbands" closed in August with SUCH success)! I'm going to be tutored in the art of PR by Fayra Teeters and any resource she can throw at me. I'm going to learn to write press releases. I'm going to figure out how the business facebook pages work finally. And Twitter, by god! I also hope to glean some really useful information about how NPO's are run... "School for Katrina" opens tomorrow at Artists Rep... and hopefully will earn standing ovations.
God, I am a dork.
Anyway, I am doing a new play with the Masque Alfresco Crew for Fertile Grounds Festival of New Plays! am playing (brace yourself!) a WHORE! The play is an absurdist black comedy called "Losing Ground in the Big City" and I run around in my underwear pretty much the whole show... January 20th-January 23rd! For some reason our play is not yet listed in the calendar... But I assure you that we are performing at the Headwaters that I am playing a hooker!
So there.
Marty has put me on his cell phone plan! Which means I get a phone that is smarter than I am... The good news is that this SHOULD make it easier to utilize my brand-spanking new PR skills because I can use the internet all the time and upload photos. This is good. I just have to keep telling myself that, and eventually my inner luddite that's been scared into a corner will come out and play.
This is good. I won't break it. I won't drop it in the river. I won't lose files on it because I don't know how to access them. I swear.
I made a goodly amount of money by selling my Summertime to Masque Alfresco this year... so now I can go to Steamcon. I'm really excited and hope that I get everything done that I want to in time.
I really want to be careful that I don't become the person that goes to conventions all the time. They're fun but so expensive... and I have this driving nee to be "on my game" the whole time that I'm there and that's stressful. Until I can become a regular in a vendor's hall... I'm not certain that doing the con thing is going to make a lot of sense. That being said, I am really really glad that I am going to Steamcon this year! Molly and I will reprise our Lucille and Charissa costumes one day and another day, a whole BUNCH of us are going as the product being offered aboard Nautical But Nice Offshore Pleasure Industries.... Brought to you by the SteamPimp herself,
vashtiabukhalil !
I am actually not sure that I will be making it to Kumoricon in 2011. I have friends who are getting married the Sunday of K-con, and if Sunday ends up being "Girl Genius Playlab Day" (as it usually is) there just isn't much of a reason for me to go at all.
That being said, I will still be available to direct and stage the skit right up until the morning of the event.. so as long as everyone is clear on what they are doing, I shouldn't actually *need* to be there at the play itself. singswithtrees and I have been talking about scheduling so that there are *actual* rehearsals and *regular* intervals, in addition to just basic brain-storming type meetings between she, myself, tee_moss and anyone else who feels like doing any of the writing, planning, script-building, etc.
Anyway. Events are fun but expensive.
However, I've nearly gotten Marty to agree to go to Comic Con some year! I should keep a look out for the guest lists as that will make all the difference....
I'm making Marty a priest's robe for Hallowe'en this year! We will be in Colorado for the Ween Concert... and Marty and I are representing the Holy Order of the Saint Hendrix's Church of Boognish. This is boognish: WATCH THE VIDEO!
Anytime I get to make Marty a costume that he's even marginally excited about, it makes me happy! It never ceases to frustrate me that the one thing in life I'm good at is a skill that the love of my life has barely a need for. So... it's cool when I can make him something that he likes!
The Vintage Hillsboro Time Traveler's Ball and Market went very well! I made some money and some contacts and had a good time, even though I was sweaty and exhausted....! Here are some pictures: singswithtrees did AMAZING! TWO of her hats are now (right now!) on display at the Hat Museum in Ladd's Addition in Portland!
I wanted to sew Christmas presents again this year, but everything that I thought of making for people (particularly my family) I already made. Last year. And there hasn't been much in the way of inspiration on new things... Maybe that will change in the month between Steamcon and Christmas.......
Inspiration better hurry.