Two things, actually. I'll start with the one I can do on my own but would be more fun with more people.
For those of you not fortunate enough to live in The Portland, Oregon area, you should know about Last Thursday. Last Thursday was started (I don't actually know when) by a bunch of artists on Alberta Street. They randomly started setting up booths on the street to sell paintings, candles, hats, jewelery.. etc. Anyway, It's gotten HUGE. To get a sidewalk space to use you pretty much have to get there before 3pm. I used to try and sell hats for my mother-- it was a pain in the ass. So I thought, what about a roving "booth"?
This is still just an idea that may not work, because there isn't a lot of room to ROVE ABOUT at Last Thursday, either. At least, now with a tree branch covered in ladies underwear.
"What?" You say? "Come again?"
FRILLY PANTIES ON A STICK is my cracked-out idea for Last Thursdays. Most of them require less than a yard of fabric that I'm mostly trying to get rid of anyway (quilter's cottons) and they're a quick make. At $10-$20 a pop, who could resist them?
Especially if they're being sold by hot femme types dressed like this?
see my point? Aren't these obscenely tiny? Next ones won't be.
So I *could* do this on my own, but it would be way more fun to form a bloomer brigade. And you'll get a free set of bloomers (and maybe something to wear *with* the bloomers) out of it! BLOOMER BRIGADE UNIFORMS for FRILLY PANTIES OF A STICK!
And I'll make longer, less obscene bloomers. Even Knee-length ladylike bloomers if you wish! I need to make a bunch of those to sell as well. You'd be surprised how many artsy-types I know who want a pair or three of their own. Particularly the circus performers.
I'm scared that there just won't be enough room for the stick. It might have to be boring baskets. We'll see. Either way: THERE WILL BE FRILLIES.
Okay... MUCH more CRACKED-OUT idea that I cannot do alone.
I just found out that The St John's neighborhood in North Portland (10 miles from where I live and 12 miles from my place of business) has a neighborhood parade every year in early May. Pirates of Portlandia has a group that I'm marching with this year. Rose City Steampunks are also marching this year. And I suddenly had this completely cracked-out realization... I have DEFINITELY made enough costumes to have an entire parade entry... I just need to convince enough people that I've sewn for that this is a good idea and a good reason to get yer ass outa bed early on a Saturday and march in costumes or fun clothes that I've created.
I have a year to come up with ways to sweeten the deal. Free Pizza and beer afterwards? Stipend (as though I could afford it...)? X number of free hours of work on the clothing item of your dreams?
I really want to have a SEAMS-UNUSUAL entry in the St. John's Parade next year. I'm planning on making a cloth banner for 2 people to carry and I'd really like to engineer a cart that I can somehow attach my mannequins to so that they can be my "float" but won't be too top heavy and won't fall over when jostled. It will likely be Saturday, May 7th (It could be May 14th, though...) 2011, and I'll find out all the other details I need to know by hanging out with the paraders this year. For example: I know that the parade begins at noon, but to be judged you have to get there at 9:30 AM. As much as I would love being available to be judged, I would much rather have happy marchers. How early do my marchers need to be there? Is it possible for a local business that doesn't have a Portland address (my business is located *just* inside Scappoose on Highway 30, but it's only a 15 minute drive from St. Johns) to even have a parade entry? Et cetera.
So... to those of you that I have sewn things for.... to those of you that I'm very soon going to sew things for as soon as you decide what fabric you want it out of.... and those of you who are about my size or a little smaller who'd like to do me a favor and wear one of my other outfits.... please come up with a way that I can bribe you into doing this for me within a year.
You'll be wearing clothes, marching, having big smiles and lots of energy and handing out little fliers about how hip my sewing business is: SEAMS-UNUSUAL: Creations and Alterations! Zippers replaced! Pockets Added! Patterns drafted! Home of the $5 Hem! Katrina Acaster: Seamstress, Designer and Diva Consultant!
Let me know if either of these ideas appeal to your inner madperson....