next semester's schedual

Nov 20, 2006 19:41

so i know that it's been a really long time since i've done this, and for that i apollogize, but well sometimes life just happens and then i have no time for like anything.  so anyways, i registered for classes today and here's the plan for next semester.  it'll suck, but ya what can you do.  at least i got into all of the classes that i wanted, even if they have sucky times.

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayO Chem LabNutrition LecO Chem LabNutrition Lec0 Chem Lec8-11:508:15-9:308-11:508:15-9:301:25-2:150 Chem LecO Chem Lab Lec0 ChemPhysics LabPhysics Lec1:25-2:1512:20-1:101:25-2:1510:10-12:053:35-4:35Physics LecPhysics LecPhysics LecPhysics Disc3:35-4:353:35-4:353:35-4:353:35-4:35 
in other news i cannot wait for thanksgiving, not really for the food, and i am so gonna miss seeing manda, but more so that i NEED a break.  friday will be a much needed day for hw catch-up.  the week after thanksgiving i have a history paper due, physics exam, bcq presentation, and then following monday an o chem exam.  ewwwe.  can i just say that i wanna die.   and to think next semester is going to be worse.  what am i getting myself into?

procrastination, class schedule

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