Oct 23, 2006 19:56
so here's the long awaited update, since i haven't done this in just about forever. but ya, i'm bored and really don't feel like doing hw or watching a third episode of house in a row. you know for being a tv series junkie, for some reason this one just won't stick. after 2 i'm just like uh no more. alias, bones, lost....and more that i'm probably forgetting, now those i could have spent all day watching. i'm weird. i know.
right now i should be studying for the history midterm that i have on thurs or possibly writing my bcq paper, but i took an o chem test today and i watched 3 fifty minute psych lectures today, so i get a bit of rest. oh and i got my physics exam score back, and guess what, it seems that i can't for the life of me do well on both my physics and o chem exams. last time i bombed the physics and aced the o chem. this time i got a b (which is just about amazing by the way) on physics and well i haven't gotten my o chem score back yet but i'm pretty sure that that one will be absolutely horrible.
right now i have the blaaaas because i've been all excited for like the past week that i get to wear my halloween costume tonight bec they decided to have us dress up for the hall council meeting at 9, but i don't really wanna any more. maybe i'll just my fairy wings.
so i talked to amanda on saturday and i found out from her that my dad snaped and choped down one of the cherry trees in our back yard. its times like these that i wish i lived closer to home that amanda could come to my dorm room and escape the craziness of our house. i swear we are such a disfunctional family. like i know that other people have problems too, but it feels like we have more. i miss most of them now bec i'm here and only find out when they're just so crazy that amanda will burst if she doesn't tell someone, but i still feel bad. it's so hard to be there for her when i'm 2,000 miles away. i miss her.
right now i feel like everything is just caving in on me. i'm so worried about getting that 3.0. i'm hopeing to god that my loan gets approved in time for my tuition to be paid. i'm freaking out about my midterms in history and psych. i feel like i'm fat and disgusting bec i never have time to go to the rec any more. i don't feel motivated to do anything academic in general. at the beginning of the semester i was ready for school, now i'm not. i just feel so......lethargic, no.........lost, yes, lost is a much better word. i just need to find that...spark that i had.
deep thoughts