Oct 25, 2012 12:35
I've been thinking of victims and bullies lately. How culturally ingrained bullying and victimizing is, and how many thousands of different ways there are to do both. I've seen plenty of men being addicted to victimhood and plenty of female bullies..but gender culture still makes the other way around more common. Either way, being addicted to either is so so destructive, and there is only one antidote in the whole world - personal responsibility.
(This is not related to me, and for those politically inclined, I do not use the expression "personal responsibility" like libertarians and Republicans do, to me, personal responsibility is *personal*, and I still want the biggest scariest nanny state any right winger can dream up)
Still pondering how to fit LJ into my "new" life. Hard. I have some ideas, but I can't do what I used to, it won't fit in the old format.
Pictures form first day of snow (today) and my work, soon.