Jun 17, 2006 10:37
we sat out on the roof in a hot night wind, eating popsicles and drinking Point by the neon light of Buca's, the italian restaurant across the street. a raccoon trundled his way up the fire escape of the building next to us, climbed the ladder to the roof paw over paw. Amy and i talked about our jobs and the sitcom she'll write; jackie and eric ordered food from Buca's, stealing andrew's keys to get back into The Mansion after they picked it up. Amy had to pee so bad while they were gone that she went in the empty apartment next to ours while i kept watch. there was a mishap with jackie's ravioli that left a spatter-pattern on the storage room wall like the aftermath of a gunshot to the head.
i slept deeply even through the periodic whine of our air conditioner and am looking forward to sitting around my parents' pool with people i love. i wish the other people i love could be here. but for now i'll settle for the fact that it's a hot day with the promise of water, and andrew is in the next room putting together my new sewing table.